simonpark81 [2020-02-27 18:31:56 +0000 UTC]
wrestling is such a curious commodity....
its basically giving us a ticket to see a sort of kung-fu movie in the flesh,
which is interesting. we can live an ideal for just a while in which superheroes exist... and we are part of the show.
somehow this touched me.
your understanding of the intricacies of fame are unusual, i wonder if you have looked fame in the face as i once did, and decided you didnt want that spotlight. I myself nearly led a band (as the lead singer) into fame, and when i learnt what that actually meant, i turned away from it because it meant giving every minute of my life to psycho fans who would steal the clothes off my back just to say they had met me and had evidence...
as artists we are afforded a bit of leniency, our lives are still our own...
but as stars we are always in the spotlight.
its a heavy burden to bear.
i wonder if this is what you meant..??
if not im sorry,perhaps i am looking through a tinted lens.
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harrietsfriend In reply to simonpark81 [2020-02-27 19:04:05 +0000 UTC]
I prefer rose colored glasses but am having much trouble finding pink filters in series 6 size to fit my frames.
Fame is fleeting. I'm going for recognition instead. I offer most of my images as an historical reference. dA is good for feedback but not much else .
Yours was an interesting take which I enjoyed.
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simonpark81 In reply to harrietsfriend [2020-03-07 08:16:03 +0000 UTC]
the tinted lenses can help when dealing with the intricacies of a world that makes little sense at the best of times.
recognition is definitely the more attractive option, one in which we can keep our own personality and share with the world our thoughts and emotions.
hope you have a great day my friend!
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