hclausen — Three Amigos

Published: 2014-05-03 02:59:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 247; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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MystMoonstruck [2015-04-08 04:43:01 +0000 UTC]

The ancients asked, "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" Cat people ask, "How many cats can crowd onto a couch?"

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hclausen In reply to MystMoonstruck [2015-04-08 21:46:31 +0000 UTC]

It does get warm here. Up to over one hundred degrees F.  The joke is that you can tell how hot it is by how long the cats get.  Summer is really hard on the two long hairs.  Oh well, that is what they have combs for.

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MystMoonstruck In reply to hclausen [2015-04-09 06:52:00 +0000 UTC]

We're spoiled. Due to our heart and lung problems, Mom and I used an air conditioner. Thank goodness my brother-in-law helped find and pay for a really good one that is an energy saver and very easy to operate. When the AC is one, the cats play up a storm!

It seems that every summer we get 100+ days or 90-degree days with so much humidity that the heat index adds to the misery. Generally, the cats will go outdoors for some time but end up begging to come back indoors not long after. So, I understand "flat cats" though most of ours have short hair. The only "floofy" ones are JackieAmelia and Cuddles.

I think ours are spoiled by air conditioning. They just become relaxed cat-puddles, curled up in boxes and baskets or on the couch with "Grandma".


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hclausen In reply to MystMoonstruck [2015-04-09 15:47:27 +0000 UTC]

I know ours are.  We got AC a few years ago.  Best thing we ever did.  Evaporation type coolers do not work here during the monsoon hits in July and August.  That is also the hottest part of the year here. 

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MystMoonstruck In reply to hclausen [2015-04-11 07:23:31 +0000 UTC]

Anymore, having an AC has become a health issue, not just for those of us with heart/lung problems. I know that it eases pain; Mom has noticed that, too.

The cats LOVE it and play and act so frisky! So, there's the perk of giving us laughter from watching their antics.

Illinois has been getting a lot of "century days"~100-degree weather. The humidity increases that, too. I used to go to Renaissance faires and other events throughout the summer. I doubt that I could manage it anymore. I know that one weekend at Bristol, the high was more than 100 degrees, and the humidity was such that they estimated 125-130 heat index! So, unless I got a lot stronger and healthier, I suppose I won't brave hot weather. Now, if only I could find some events held in cooler weather!

I might try to get to Ingrams Log Cabin Village when it has its festivals on, I believe it is, three weekends starting in September (which still is very hot). Even if I have to take my Rollator (as I did a couple of years ago), I would enjoy it. I play the bowed psaltery and made quite a lot in tips when I set out my "begging/tip bowl". I should take pictures of it because it is so beautiful~a silver bowl on a pedestal, with a stag head on each side as handles. Yes, I go in garb to that event, and they thanked me for adding to the atmosphere, as most of the people that set up tents also wear costumes.

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