hiphopscrotum — RV: Dallas A. Compton

Published: 2014-12-17 16:09:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 731; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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I'll pimp the texts below out later. It's late now.

Edit: I made shit look nice + extra stuff.

"What is it to be a man of good?"


       ◆ Name: Ainsley Dallas Compton

       ◆ Age: 21, appears to be 25

       ◆ Gender: Male

       ◆ Height: 5’8”/ 172cm

       ◆ Weight: 63kg/ 138 pounds - Underweight

       ◆ Birthday: August 30th

       ◆ Nationality: Mornican [Ancestors were from Thereon]


◆ Dutiful ~ Semi-disciplined ◆ 'Individualistic' ◆ Confident*
◆ Quiet ◆ Disloyal ~ Deceptive ◆ Pretentious ◆ Aggressive  

No matter how awful his superior is, he will carry out the duties with not a roll of his eyes, and expects others to be the same way as well, and is mainly this way to gain their trust, and partially out of respect. Despite coming off as dutiful and dependable however, there are a few times where he disobeys and goes ahead on his own whims to benefit his self-interests. He recognizes restraints, but openly crosses them when he gets the chance and he keeps them discrete, covering up his muddy tracks. He isn't too keen on having much intergrity.
Dallas, as a product of his qualmless self-lead whims, comes off as confident and sometimes cocky with his firmly-made decisions but is never truly arrogant. Though, around women, more especially beautiful women, he gets incredibly nervous, as much as he tries to hide so.
He is also a rather quiet person, and is quite bad at regular chit-chatting, so he prefers not to speak when there is no purpose to. Generally quite unfriendly.

As a product of his lone-wolf ways, he is horribly neutral and he both agrees and disagrees in all sides of the argument, never really picking ‘his side’ and instead has a foot in each. He’d support whichever that would offer him the most [socially, physically, and otherwise], and turncoats easily when given a solid better opportunity. He also keeps his political beliefs confidential, would never say what might be his stance; very careful with his words.
He became rather pretentious in his speech at times, and quoting various authors to him becomes a viable way of communicating, and is quite judgemental of those who do not recognise his patrician mind.
If provoked or if the situation calls for it, the man will be aggressive in his response, and is unafraid of the consequences when he does so, being a conscious and calculated decision of his to aggres and intimidate. He tends to come off aggressive and rough in the way a lot of his actions are excecuted anyway.

Likes & Dislikes

+ Athletics and sports. He enjoys roundhousing the neighbourhood boys.

+ The ocean.

+ Literature.

+ Books in general.

+ A good listener.

+ Cold food.

+ Opiates.

+ Chess, checkers, chinese checkers, and their variations.

- Having to see failure with his name tacked to it.

- The rich.

- Foolishly determined young folks.

- People who don’t take the time to appreciate,  too fast-paced.



Dallas’ ancestors were of the higher class in Thereon, close to the title of aristocracy.
After some couple thorough plannings, they’ve decided to move to Mornica to invest in an agricultural business. The farm, with carefully sowed investments, grew to be a success,
though they unfortunately lost their farm later on to a great fire, collapsing all what they’ve gambled for.

Their descendants still however suffer from this almost ancient ordeal, as the soil became decrepit due to a lack of growth, as the settling ancestors believed that the fire destroyed the farming properties of their soil, until their children figured out that this was in fact not the case.
Despite the circumstances, Dallas’ parents still met, and still continued the bloodline with a well-functioning family.


As he began to near his adolescence, his youngest brother passed away to a mysterious murder. His mother, who grieved far longer than the rest of the family, began to farm heavily to take her mind off his death, leaving the house chores to his even younger sister.

She wanted another child to replace her deceased son, but her rising testosterone levels dictated otherwise, sinking her into a deeper depression. All the children she gave birth to past the death of her son came out as cretins and died prematurely, as she slowly became more isolated from her living daughter and sons as she almost obsesses over the death of her son.

Dallas was made to do the fieldwork with his father, and now mother, since he was the oldest and thus strongest amongst the children. He would always slack to daydream, but be quickly punished by his mother, thus beginning to adapt at ploughing the soil and having his mind wander at the same time. As he grew older, he started to dislike his job as he got more immersed in literature and the arts, spending a good chunk of his time at the town’s library ever since he was introduced. He began disliking his parents for making him do a job he never liked, and grew a bit pretentious as he found that no boy his age was quite as interested in literature as he was, slaving over books as he wondered why he was doomed to be only a mere farmer.

Besides writing crude attempts at poetry, he spent his time boxing to show off his strength to the neighbourhood boys, and became quickly known for his jive style in his way of fighting. He was never a particularly friendly person, and is rather distant and silent, so he was thus branded as arrogant for not showing almost any signs of sportsmanship, much to his dislike.

He was absolutely green when he found out his younger brother had been given the chance to go to school, and resented him for a period of time, believing that he was not at all worthy the opportunity, not being as big an esteemed fine intellectual such as himself.

Eventually, as he matured he eventually got over the childish god complex he held, as well as realising that his younger brother did indeed see him as the superior intellectual, and the superior everything, as he found. His relationship with his brother began to become more proper, but a bit too formal for the closest person he has, not wanting to share his personal grievances with him and keeping him at an arm’s length, though his brotherly love for him extends to the highest of heavens. He instead began writing a general journal for his accounts, ideas, and feelings as a substitute, and would never anyone close to it.


He grew up to be very nervous around women, because of his terrible experience with his mother and having very little contact with the feminine besides his sister growing up, thus being simultaneously attracted to and intimidated by women.

Eventually, he gave up fighting and boxing, finding himself too old for such things as he indulges in opium and cheap winery, though his strength did further improve further once he matured into adulthood. He began to drift away from reading as much as he did once before and began writing his own material, now high off drugs and not his ego.

To fund his growing addiction, he steals goods from merchant ships and insists his father on letting him sell their crops, so as to smuggle and sell them all on the black market for a fancy sum of money. He spreads a fraction amongst his family and using the rest some extra general pocket money and to buy better grades of wine and opium for himself, though he would never admit to it.

Joining the Military

After hearing of the army, he proceeded to tell his younger brother, Degory, of its presence, as he saw it to be the only way they could escape the farm and onto the path of glory. Unhappy with Degory’s defiance and worries, he proceeded onto emotionally blackmailing him to persuade him into joining the military as a last resort.

He views his time on the farm to have completely passed, unlike Degory who hadn’t learned to disconnect and insists on him forgetting about it all and to quit his whining.


  • Owns a German Shepherd with his brother.

  • Identifies as a Christian, but does not believe in the afterlife nor a God.

  • Is incredibly ashamed of his roots on the farm.

  • Excellent multi-tasker.

  • Is able consciously to remove himself from feeling empathy, though he may feel the sting after.

  • Can be abstract/ fucking weird in what he says. drugz It’s also tough to get a clear answer out of him.

  • Shaky hands. d r u g z


Eleanor Compton - Younger sister

Robert Compton - Deceased younger brother

Mary Compton - Mother

Henry Compton - Father

Degory Compton - Younger Brother [fav.me/d89wo5x]

Death: On

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Comments: 16

maricookie [2014-12-28 06:59:26 +0000 UTC]

I swear this group is filled with some of the most interesting men out there //shot

Nice to see you here.
Wonder what this dude will do  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiphopscrotum In reply to maricookie [2014-12-29 13:56:18 +0000 UTC]

ey bb

He'll shit on the floor or something while he's high.

Yeah, definitely.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

s-t-i-g-e-r [2014-12-18 15:35:57 +0000 UTC]

I love how his history is split up, it's well organized 
and lol Tristan and him both have pretty much the same hairstyles haha

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiphopscrotum In reply to s-t-i-g-e-r [2014-12-19 03:21:03 +0000 UTC]

It's mainly that way because its an edited rough draft, haha.
I find Tristain's hair to be neater though. Apparently their personalities are almost polar opposites, aside from their dishonest tendencies. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

s-t-i-g-e-r In reply to hiphopscrotum [2014-12-19 14:21:24 +0000 UTC]

It's nice either way ;D

Haha k, it's good to have a variety lolol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiphopscrotum In reply to s-t-i-g-e-r [2014-12-20 03:59:15 +0000 UTC]

Variety of assholes. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

s-t-i-g-e-r In reply to hiphopscrotum [2014-12-20 20:27:42 +0000 UTC]

ahh yessss

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

laticat [2014-12-18 13:26:54 +0000 UTC]

ooh, he's so well fleshed out! good job!
It's interesting to see a pair of brothers jointly controlled o v o

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiphopscrotum In reply to laticat [2014-12-18 15:01:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I tried really hard.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

laticat In reply to hiphopscrotum [2014-12-18 15:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Your hard work paid off!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tanaw [2014-12-17 23:49:24 +0000 UTC]

omg he looks so fancy! *3*
It's wonderful to have you in the group! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiphopscrotum In reply to tanaw [2014-12-18 08:51:29 +0000 UTC]

That's because he is. B))
Thanks, man.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bomb918 [2014-12-17 17:31:00 +0000 UTC]

This design is extremely interesting. I really enjoy it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiphopscrotum In reply to bomb918 [2014-12-18 08:52:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. B) Took me a good while to come up with his facial features. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bomb918 In reply to hiphopscrotum [2014-12-19 22:02:21 +0000 UTC]

I know this is kind of random but I'm working on a game concept at the moment. I think your art style would fit really well for it and I'd like to ask if you would like to do the character concepts.
The game is fairytale-based and is going to be a story driven 3rd-person shooter/rpg.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiphopscrotum In reply to bomb918 [2014-12-20 03:55:03 +0000 UTC]

I don't know man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm flattered.
Note me and we'll discuss this further or something I'unno.

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