Horry-HodgePodge — The Bros.

#1983 #arcade #arcadegame #arcadegames #mario #mario_bros #marioandluigi #mariobros #mariobrosnintendo #mariobrothers #nintendo #nintendofanart #mariobross #marionintendo #nintendomario #mariobrosfanart
Published: 2019-12-30 01:03:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 738; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description Just my delightful interpretation of the Mario Bros. from the arcade game. Methinks that's I should do something for these two. Making an adaptation of the original Mario Bros. should be in no other words, interesting.

You can hear it, can't you?

A rendition of Funiculi Funicula playing in the background, while Mario, in his gruff italian accent, explains to Luigi about how a bunch of kids tossed snapping turtles into the sewers thinking they were getting some mutant superheroes for pets, when in reality they're actually growing so big, they chew through the pipes, causing over thousands of dollars worth of damage.

Mario and Luigi (Mario Bros. 1983) © Nintendo

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