HowlPendragon3 — The man in blue has a name

Published: 2011-08-03 06:09:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 180; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 3
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So, the man in blue has a name AND a profile to go with him. This is actually the first time I've ever written down ANY background information on any of my characters, normally i keep it in my head. This whole thing is from a world of Giant robots that I'm creating in my head as we speak. I'm going to translate my horrible, rushed handwriting for you now.

Name-Rhy Shanna
Height-5' 10"
Special marks
-Scar over left eye and cheek
-Tribal owl tatoo over heart
-Flower on right lower back (drunken mistake)

Disposition- Tough, friendly, grumpy at times, seems simple but is extremely smart (he rigs the weapon systems, hydrolics, and electronics for SAMPSON), he goes into anything for all or nothing.

Background Info.
Mom was military who operated a nameless MechaLoid (Now named SAMPSON and operated by Rhy). Dad was a grunt, a brute with a good heart. After his mom died, his father became an alcoholic and was dishonorably discharged. A few years of alcoholism later, Rhy's father went ballistic and threw a knife at Rhy, thus the scar over his eye. While still bleeding, Rhy's father shaved off all of Rhy's hair (which he kept long because his mom liked it that way) claiming that he looked too much like his mother. He has lived with his grandpa ever since. He now uses SAMPSON to protect the barrier island town he lives on. No one except his Grandpa knows that he pilots SAMPSON.
PS: he has REALLLLLYYYYY girly legs
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