hunterN05 — Hope Tavern Chronicles 2 [NSFW]
#humanity #remnants
Published: 2015-12-08 20:07:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 493; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Hope Tavern Chronicles

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Chapter Two: Tea?

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    After the teams had agreed with turning Hope's Tavern into a holdout for themselves, they had split up to gather supplies in order to fix it up. Preacher had left the tavern in search of supplies they could use, he didn't specify what however. Kevin and his crew headed for the mill, mostly to gather wood and what have you to rebuild the windows, doors, and build walls. Joel and his crew, had gone in search of heavy duty things to throw up for walls, as well as things they could use to possibly grow food.

    Joel was at the head of the group, Jason trailing behind with Ann who was reading from her book as always. Kevin, Sally and David were behind them, they were headed the same way and decided to stick together until they reached the fork that split off into two different directions.

    The weather was rather pleasant to them, and all was quiet around them, which put them on edge. Sally was twitching, her eyes darting from left to right. Jason was in front of her and fiddling with something in his pocket that jingled every now and then. "What are you doing?" Sally questioned, hands clenched into fists.

    The racer pulled out what he was messing with, "The keys to my car," he told her, showing her the silver gleaming key with a small keychain of a sword on it, and a device to check the alarm. "Just... wondering if anyone messed with it is all." He said, sighing as he thought about his Pontiac that he had left behind. It had been a full year since he had seen his ride, to say he was worried about it was an understatement.

    "Pfft, someone probably stripped it bare~" Sally sung, getting a harsh glare from the man. "What?"

    "I would like to think otherwise." He growled, stepping past her and speeding up so he could walk beside Ann.

    Sally shrugged, putting both hands behind her head as she trailed behind her group.

    Gunfire in the distance sounded, making the group slow down and draw their weapons. They were far away from the factions, and the Fang, as well as the city. They assumed it may have been survivors nearby, or perhaps some rogue bandits. They didn't know for sure, only keeping their guns at the ready.

    Joel's mind drifted as he walked along the road, his feet hurt but he was use to it. He knew he was getting old, and while he enjoyed walking as much as everyone else, he wished they had a vehicle. Maybe we can find one somewhere. He thought.


Everyone ducked and ran into cover as the road they were on was fired on by someone. Joel and his group jumped into a ditch, guns at the read as Kevin and Sally ducked behind a burned out car, David managed to jump into the ditch with Joel and them, hiding next to Ann who covered him.

    "Give up all you got!" They heard from the treeline. Joel peeked out and saw several men in the trees, and oddly enough they were wearing police riot outfits, and using some heavy looking guns. "This is your only warning!"

    Damn it, got some punks trying to steal our shit. Joel cursed, they weren't prepared for this.

    "You give us your shit!" Sally screamed, loading her shotgun with orange shotgun shells with a dragon's head on them. "Cause I got plenty of ammo to smoke you out with!" She cackled, wishing, praying with every fiber of her being that they would run out so she could blow them away.

    There was silence, then engines sounded. Everyone's eyes widened, and when they looked at the road down the path they were going, they saw several vans armored up driving their way... but the worst thing, were the fifty caliber guns on top.

    "Shit, into the trees!" Kevin yelled, he knew a technical when he saw one. There were four of them, and he could see the men in the trees already moving. "Run run run!" He yelled again, firing his gun into treeline as Sally aimed her shotgun.

    "BURN BITCHES!" She cried with a sadistic smile on her face as she fired her shotgun causing a literal fireball to fly out of her shotgun and hit the trees on the other side, quickly making them catch fire. Anyone unlucky enough to be caught in the blast had caught fire, screaming as their guns went off. "hahahaha!"

    "Go!" Joel yelled to Jason, Ann and David as he fired his Beretta at the vans, the bullets doing jack all against the makeshift armor. "Fuck."

    David quickly ran into the woods, followed by Ann and Jason. They ran into the woods as the more stronger fighters stayed behind, giving them covering fire against the people who had ambushed them.

    Joel teamed up with Kevin and Sally, the three moving back into the woods as they fired their guns, bullets damaging the vans and causing one of them to veer off of the road as Kevin blew out one of their wheels. Sally fired her shotgun again, flames spewing forth and hitting one of the vans in the front plow bending it back and causing flames to burn upwards and block the driver's view.

    As the renegade group was thrown into chaos, Joel, Kevin and Sally ran through the woods, intent on getting away from the others as fast as possible.

    "After them!" Someone yelled as several men and women yelled out a battle cry, rushing across the road after the survivors.

    The three ran through the woods, dodging gunfire and even arrows being shot at them. Tree bark was blown to pieces, and the thumping of what sounded like an automatic grenade launcher sounded. Kevin cursed, whoever these people were must have raided one of the military bases up north for the weapons and armor.

    When the world ends, everything is up for grabs. Kevin reminded himself, ever since the government collapsed, people rioted like crazy, stealing anything that wasn't bolted down. He knew because he was also doing that, who wouldn't take advantage of the chaos? Looking out ahead, he saw Joel and Sally were farther ahead then he thought, Jason and Ann along with David were nearby, jumping over fallen trees and dead bodies of other unfortunate survivors who didn't make it.

    Then suddenly, a massive explosion went off in the woods, blinding Kevin and causing him to fly backwards as everyone screamed and yelled out in pain. "AHHHHH!"

    "Shit fuck!" Sally bellowed, firing off her shotgun blindly and hitting a tree.

    David was screaming in pain, curling up on the ground yelling, "I can't see!" 

    Kevin cursed as he tried to clear his eyes, once he started looking around, he saw the men approaching. Everything was slowing down, "run!" He yelled, firing his gun at the men who attacked them.

    Everyone, despite being injured and blinded, and disoriented, ran for it. Each one goign a different direction and splitting off as Kevin stayed behind. The soldier fired at the men, killing a few of them before his gun went dry. A few of them drew blunt weapons and attacked Kevin, he just drew his knife and lunged at one of them, stabbing one in the gut before kicking another away.

    But his fight was quickly ended before it began when one of them hit Kevin over the head with a bat, knocking him out.

With Joel and David

    Joel rubbed at his eye as he jogged through the trees, handgun held in his hands as he dodged trees and rocks. He wasn't expecting an explosion to end up fucking up their run, then again he wasn't expecting to be ambushed by a bunch of assholes. He cursed as he ran, footsteps following behind him. When he turned to look, he spotted David blindly following him, blood covering his face.

    "Shit." He stopped, jogging up to the kid. "David!"

    David furiously rubbed his eyes, "J-Joel?" He asked, rubbing his eyes still. "I can't see!"

    Joel grabbed the young man's arm and dragged him through the woods. "Just stick close." He told him, leading the man through the woods. David had a few scratches on his face, and his hair baseball cap was covered in sticks and dirt, and some blood. Shit, we need to find some place to lay low. He growled under his breath, heading towards a place he hoped was a safe zone.

With Sally

    Sally sprinted through the woods, a fierce look on her face as she clutched her shotgun. She didn't know where she was going, but she did know David was hurt and she wasn't able to spot him. While she had the demeanor of an insane asylum patient, she cared for her older friend.

    He better be alright, or heads are going to roll! She cursed, sprinting even faster. Trees whizzed by as she saw a group of buildings approaching, she grinned. Maybe she could find something there to help her out. She jumped over a fallen tree, eventually coming out onto the road. The girl heard nothing as she slowed down, loading in more of her dragon breath rounds into her firearm.

    The buildings she saw were outdoors man buildings, stores that sold bows, hunting gear and the like. She approached it, gun at the ready as she entered the parking lot. The front door of the store was busted wide open, and she saw skid marks on the ground along with dried blood. Perplexed, she made her way to the wall and hugged it, carefully making her way to the door before whipping around and aiming her shotgun inside.

    Inside, sitting in them middle of the store, in perfect condition... was a motorcycle... her eyes widened as her grip relaxed. It was a Harley-Davidson, painted a metallic black color with low handle bars, and saddlebags on the back. The wheels were in good condition, and to her delight she saw the keys were still in it. She grinned as she bounded over to it with a childish giggle. "Mi negro amor~" She sang, caressing the bike's side with a seductive gaze. My black love~ She translated in her head.

    To her right, she smelled oil, and saw the glint of something metal. Eyes turned to the right, and her grin turned predatory as she saw something that made her chuckle evilly.

With Ann and Jason

    With Jason and Ann, the two had managed to stay together when the explosion occurred. Ann was hurting, but she kept running, and thankfully Jason's ears were not harmed in the explosion. Both bandits ran towards the sun, heading eastward. They didn't know if Joel and the others had made it out, they could only hope.

    "Who were those guys!" Jason yelled in anger, arm bleeding from a tiny piece of shrapnel that hit him during the explosion.

    Ann shook her head, she didn't know. "No idea!" She told him, spotting a building up ahead, it looked like a warehouse. "Look, a warehouse!"

    "I see it!" Jason sped up, moving out of the trees and onto the dirt road where the warehouse came into view.

    Both ran towards the warehouse, guns at the ready as Jason made his way over to one of the side doors where a large garage door was at for loading and unloading vehicles. He ran towards the door, stopping and gripping the knob as he pulled out his flashlight. Ann stopped next to him, her flashlight out and .22 loaded and ready as he yanked open the door. Both entered and turned on their flashlights, they saw nothing..

    Jason entered in first, followed by Ann. Both looked all around the area they were in, there were no fungoids, no enemies of any kind except an old smell and oil drums. Jason turned and walked towards the door, closing it before checking his arm. "This bites." He grumbled, looking at the blood staining his shirt.

    Ann took off her backpack, unzipping the pack before reaching inside and pulling out a roll of bandages. She unrolled it and started to bandage him up. "Hold still."

    Jason sighed, letting her wrap his arm as he fiddled with his car keys again. As he did, his finger brushed the button to make his car honk, he ended up pressing it and as always, he didn't expect to hear anything... except he did.

    *Honk Honk*

    Jason and Ann's eyes grew wide at the noise filling the warehouse, Jason's head sharply turned to the left, and in the distant part of the warehouse, he turned his flashlight towards it and saw a car, but it was covered by a tarp. Ann finished up with the bandage as fast as she could, turning towards the vehicle. Jason pulled out his keys, holding up the device and hitting a red button to turn on the headlights.

    He heard a click, and the headlights of the hidden car turned on.

    "No way..." Jason ran over to the tarp covered car, he didn't waste time ripping the blasted thing off. Once he did... a single tear left his eye as he saw his old friend...

    His Pontiac GTO.

    "Hello my old friend." He smiled a toothy smile, it was his car, he knew it... however, it was different. Someone had armored up the Pontiac, wielding metal plates over the windows and sides, his old paint job was refreshed, a black color with neon blue flames on the sides which had now been painted onto the armor. The suspension was changed as well, giving it a more offroad appearance and off road wheels, and on the front was something akin to a plow.

    "Whoa..." Ann gasped, eyeing the car. "This is your... car? From back before the... infection?"

    Jason nodded, touching his Pontiac for the first time in a year. He smiled fondly. "Yeah... and its going to help us." He said as he hit the trunk button, causing it to pop open. Both walked over to the trunk, and inside, Jason rose an eyebrow. "That's new." He said as Ann reached inside and pulled out what looked like an M24 sniper rifle. "You uh... you know how to use that?"

    The young Asian checked the sniper rifle out, the scope was clean, the rifle was kept in good condition, and she saw plenty of ammo in the trunk. She lifted the bolt, pulled it back and ejected a spent casing. "I think... I will manage." She said, smiling at the prospect of having a new firearm.

With Joel and David

    The two managed to escape the forest, and had ended up at a truck stop. Joel had checked it, and only found a few infected wandering around, most of them were weak and frail, easy pickings for his crowbar. He led David into the truck stop, sitting the younger man down in one of the booths before moving into the bathroom to loot one of the medical boxes. He found a few bandages, some alcohol, and some other medical stuff someone is too lazy to write out.

    Walking back into the diner portion of the truck stop, Joel started to work on David. "Hold still kid." He said as he dabbed a small rag in alcohol and started cleaning David's head wounds.

    "Ow ow ow!" David winced, the substance burning his cuts.

    Joel grumbled quietly under his breath as he took David's hat off and his goggles.

    Time passed by quietly, save for a few winces from David as Joel cleaned up the younger man and patched him up. The sun outside was slowly rising, and Joel remembered they had left quiet early in order to make the most of the day. He should have figured they were going to be attacked, or even ambushed, but he didn't. My own damn fault, that is, damn it.

    "Where's Kevin and the others?" David asked, not hearing anything except his and Joel's breathing.

    "We go split up," Joel replied, finishing up with the bandage around David's head. "Those bastards split us off and I think Kevin got left behind."

    David's eyes shot open wide, "we gotta save him then!" He told Joel, grabbing his hat and goggles before putting them back onto his head with a pained expression. He rubbed the back of his head, "I mean, I can't just leave him..."

    Joel sighed, he could tell that David wasn't going to take no for a answer. He wasn't going to leave the soldier behind anyhow, he just needed a plan. Looking around the truck stop, he saw a few of the trucks were still sitting around. An idea slowly formed in his head as he walked over to the exit, leaving the stop with David in tow.

    The older man walked out onto the lot, and saw the trucks all sitting around. Some of them were burned out, shot up, had wheels missing or looked absolutely shoddy. However, he saw one of them sitting nearby, one that was hooked up to a car hauling trailer. Overall, it looked to be in good shape. "That," Joel pointed to the truck as he walked over to it, "is how we're getting to Kevin."

    "A truck?" David asked, looking perplexed as the older man opened the door and yanking out a body. "AHHH!"

    Joel hopped down from the truck, landing next to the body and checking the pockets. The man Joel had pulled out had a gunshot wound to his chest, and had bled out it seemed, dying in the cab. Joel fished around in the man's pockets before pulling out a pair of keys. "Let's roll out." He said before hopping into the truck, followed by David. When Joel sat in the seat, he saw something sitting on the dashboard, an M16 rifle. "Nice." He took it with a grin, putting it to the side before starting up the truck.

With Kevin

    Kevin awoke an hour later, his eyes opening to find a bright light shining down on him from above. His hands were bound behind him to the chair, he shook his head. Trying to clear his senses.

    "Sergeant Kevin King, second battalion, Zulu squad." A man said, making Kevin look around the room. "Been looking for you."

    "Who are you, and how do you know my rank?" Kevin growled.

    Out stepped a man dressed in soldier fatigues and armor, donning a cap and wearing a rank that showed he was a colonel in the army. A Desert Eagle was his sidearm, and the man's eyes bored into Kevin's with a smug look. "I know all about you, Sergeant." He said, beginning to pace around the room. "I know about how you abandoned your squad during wartime with the infected, just like a coward."

    "I didn't abandon them!" Kevin yelled, "We held out for as long as we could! And who the hell are you anyway!"

    That got him slapped, hard by the man. "I am Colonel Augustus Autumn, of the United States Army, and you, are a low tier soldier who is nothing but a coward."

    "Lies!" Kevin hissed as he was slapped again. "Stop slapping me you bitch!"

    Augustus frowned as he stood up straight, hands behind his back as he looked down on Kevin as if he were a cockroach. "You will be reprimanded for this soon, all of the rogue military units in this accursed county will be."

    Kevin spat onto the ground. "There isn't any high command anymore! The President, no one knows where the hell he is, he's probably dead or something! And the army is in pieces, who the hell cares about what someone did before all of this shit!"

    The man said nothing, only turning around and leaving Kevin alone in the room.

    For fuck's sake!

With Sally

    Sally grinned as the air rushed by her on her motorcycle, her new weapon clasped to her back in a backpack holster she crafted out of belts, part of a backpack and lots and lots of duct tape. It was heavy, fully loaded and charged for battle. The bike she was on roared as she drove down the road, pushing seventy miles per hour. Her shotgun was holstered on her back as well, and her knife in her boot.

    She couldn't believe how much she lucked out!

    Hehehe, can't wait to test this puppy out in battle~ She hummed to herself as she came to a fork in the road. She looked to the right, and saw a muscle car driving her way, She sped up, driving past it and narrowly missing getting hit by it. "You fuckwit!" She bellowed, holding out her hand and flipping up her middle finger.

    What she didn't expect to see, was the side window armor sliding to the side and Ann's face popping out. "Sally!" Ann yelled, "where are the others?!" 

    "I don't fucking know!" Sally yelled back as another fork came up.

    This road was blocked off by trees, and no one could see the semi truck and trailer driving down the road. Sally slammed the breaks on and drove off road as Jason sped up, dodging the truck as it drove out onto the main road. Jason slammed his e break, drifting around a crashed car and in front of the semi truck as Sally managed to get back onto the road, driving on the right side of the truck.

    Sally, angered at this was about to pull off her shotgun and fire, only she saw David's face in the passenger side window. The man rolled down the window, and waved to the girl. "Hey Sally!" David yelled to her, waving his hand. Sally's face switched from anger to worry.

    "The hell David! Where were you, I was fucking worried!" Sally fumed, "the fuck's driving that thing?!"

    "Joel is driving!"

    "Tell that old buzzard to get some fucking glasses! He almost ran me over!" The girl screamed, as David chuckled sheepishly, turning to Joel who sat in the driver's seat.

    "Um... Sally sai-"

    "I heard her," He told David, shifting the truck's gear into third. "Let's get moving, tell her to stick close."

    David nodded, turning back to the girl who rode alongside them, brown hair whipping in the wind. "Stick close to us! We're going to go find Kevin." He yelled, making Sally raise an eyebrow.

    "Do you even know where he is?!" She asked, swerving top miss a branch on the road.


    More silence...

    "For fuck's sake!" Sally cursed, speeding up and driving up next to Jason's GTO. She figured the man was driving the car if Ann was inside of it. Sally drove out in front of the two vehicles, engines roaring as they drove down the road. She didn't know where Kevin was, if he was dead, then he was back where they were ambushed, if he was alive... then he was probably a hostage.

    Gunfire rang out from nearby, and Sally cursed as she felt a bullet graze her arm. She slammed on her breaks, hiding behind Jason's GTO as bullets impacted the armor, some bouncing off and others embedding themselves in the metal. The girl cursed as she pulled off her shotgun, they had passed by another road that led onto the one they were on and now there was a crudely armored police car after them.

    Joel spotted the car, and cursed. But then remembered he was in a massive truck with a large empty trailer, he grinned, almost sadistically so as he took a long drag of his blunt. "Hold on David!" He yelled, swerving the truck hard right, slamming into the police car and causing it to careen off of the road and into a tree.

    Where it exploded... somehow, cause why not?

    Jason heard gunfire coming from the other side of his GTO, and when he looked through the smell opening in the window on the right side he saw a few trucks driving their way. "Damn it, Ann, hang on." He said, adjusting his racing harness before quickly switching the car into a different gear and speeding up.

    Sally saw him do so, and once he was out of her line of fire, she fired her shotgun at the first truck, sending a dragon breath round tearing into the grill of the truck and causing the truck to catch fire. "Suck on that bitch!" She yelled, watching as the truck imploded, leaving only one of the trucks left. Her eyes widened as she saw it driving towards her, no way to pump in a new round, she was helpless.

    That is, until Jason swerved around and smashed the tail end of his car into the truck, causing it to turn left and smash into the side of Joel's truck. Everyone stopped as the driver of the truck flew out of the window, smashing head first into Joel's truck, dying instantly. Sally peeled out and turned around, driving up and eyeing the truck as Jason stopped his car. Everyone quickly got out, armed their guns and watched as the passenger got out of the truck, falling to the ground.

    Sally ran up to him, pulling off her weapon, which to the shock of everyone was a chainsaw of all things and started it up. The engine revved as smoke spewed from it, she walked over to the man, said man growing terrified. "Don't kill me!"

    The girl didn't listen, only slamming her chainsaw blade into the side of the truck, ripping into it with a yell. The man screamed in terror as she sliced the truck, then pulled her chainsaw away. "You're next if you don't tell me where my friend is!" She screamed in his face, revving the chainsaw a few more times. "Where is he?!" She yelled as the others came over.

    The man tried to get away, but was stopped by Sally's boot kicking him in the knees. He yelped as he looked towards the others for help, "she's crazy! Help!"

    "I know she's crazy," Joel answered, "but your people took one of our own, where is he?" He asked.

    "They're at the mill! They're at the mill!" He cried, trying to get away. "Don't kill me please! I won't tell anyo-!"

    He didn't get to finish as Sally slammed her chainsaw into his face, ripping into it and the truck. Blood splattering onto Sally's body as she grinned madly, everyone else stepped away, David getting sick from the sight, Jason was no better off, the latter going back to his car with Ann. Joel turned around and got back into his truck with David who was busy looking sick.

    Sally stopped her chainsaw, lifting up the blade and grinning at the sight of crimson flowing off of the blade. Hang on Kevin, we're a coming for ya~ She said, prancing back to her bike and hopping on.

With Kevin

    Kevin cursed as he tried to get the small razor blade he kept in his glove. He had it sewed it for reasons, most of them being involved in situations such as the one he was in now. He recalled one mission he was in back in Afghan where he was taken hostage by terrorists, and had managed to get away because he had kept a razor blade in his glove. He was laughed at because of it.

    Well who's laughing now? He asked, finally grabbed the blade in his hand and using it to cut the rope binding his hands. He wondered if he friends were okay, and if so, were they coming for him? Hopefully, I'll need backup to get out of this place. He told himself as the rope snapped, he grinned before bringing his hands around and rubbing the wrists. Once he was done, he cut the ropes around his legs and secured the razor blade back in his glove before looking around the room. Now to find a way out.


Or I can just wait for the explosion. He chuckled, wondering if it was his friends. He saw the door open and quickly ran over to it, ripping it open and decking whoever it was, he saw it was the colonel. The man fell to the floor from the punch, and he chuckled before taking the man's Desert Eagle. "Mine now beesh~" He checked the pistol, noting it was chambered for .50AE. Overkill much? He wondered before he ran down the halls.

    Gunfire erupted from outside, and he quickly made his way towards the exit. The smell of wood and something burning reached his nose, and he wondered where he was. Once he reached the door leading outside, he burst through it to find he was at the wood mill, and there were soldiers everywhere.


    Sally was here too... armed with a chainsaw.

    Kevin blinked as he watched the girl on her motorcycle, chainsaw in one hand as she sped after some of the hostile men, cackling like a mad woman.

    "She... has a chainsaw now... great..." He sighed before looking for a way to escape, he saw an armored truck nearby and grinned before running over to it. He saw one man try to hop in, but fired his gun, taking off the man's head and causing him to fall back. "Dibs!" Kevin yelled as he opened up the door and got inside, thankfully the keys were in the ignition. He turned the truck over, the Ford Raptor roared to life and he sped forward with a yell of excitement.

    However, he blasted through a small wall and almost hit Sally.

    The girl sped out of the way and slashed at a soldier trying to run, and she screamed madly. "What is this?! Almost run me over day!?" She bellowed, spotting Kevin in the truck giving her a wink. "You stupid fuck!" She yelled as she chased after him, Joel and David were behind her along with Jason and Ann.

    Kevin saw the gate ahead close, and shrugged before slamming the pedal down onto the floor. Smashing through it and out onto the road. Sally ran over the smashed gate, turning her chainsaw off and holstering it before flipping the bird, and doing a wheelie... cause why not? Joel rammed through the rest of the gate, clearing the way for Jason and Ann, who stayed close behind.

    As the group sped off down the road, the colonel had made his way outside, and was standing on top of a truck's bed, watching the group of survivors drive off. He growled, fists clenched. "I will find you, and I will kill you all!"

With Preacher
A few hours later

    Preacher sat outside of the Tavern, a small cup of tea sitting next to him. He had found some herbal tea ingredients at a small shop and took what all he could find before coming back to the Tavern and brewing up a pot. He expected to find the others back, but they were gone. He decided to sit outside at one of the small tables and enjoy a cup while he waited.

    He hummed to himself, hat and glasses sitting to the side. "i wonder what's taking them so long?" He pondered, he didn't know... that is, until the sounds of engines approached. He looked up, spotting a truck, a semi trailer, a bike and a car drive into the lot. Inside of the vehicles he saw the others arriving, he rose an eyebrow as Sally stopped next to him, covered in blood. "Tuesday?"

    She stared at him... then broke down laughing before turning off her bike. "Yep... Tuesday..." She sighed.

    Eventually the others parked their vehicles, got out and made their way over to Preacher, who held up his cup and asked, "Tea?"

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Comments: 8

JackJr12 [2015-12-09 13:53:39 +0000 UTC]

Excellent read, Hunter! Bravo! I think this is one of my favorite stories by you so far, for sure!  

All that hell was going on and Preacher is drinking bloody tea!

Keep up the good work on the side story, bro! I'm really enjoying it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to JackJr12 [2015-12-09 15:04:12 +0000 UTC]

Hahah, thanks man! I'm glad you liked it so much

Yep, he's just that fancy hehehe

Thanks man, I look forward to writing more of this awesomeness~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JackJr12 In reply to hunterN05 [2015-12-09 15:36:49 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome!  

XD Darnet, Preacher! 

I look forward to reading it!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to JackJr12 [2015-12-09 18:20:58 +0000 UTC]

Preacher so silly! XD

Me to!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

flygirlll26262 [2015-12-08 21:38:59 +0000 UTC]

Okay, that was a great read, I was trying not to laugh at some points and it was very hard to do XD

Good job on this!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to flygirlll26262 [2015-12-09 12:06:18 +0000 UTC]

Hehehehe, thanks Fly I had fun working on this! Heheeheh, hopefully the rest of the story will have people laughing


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

flygirlll26262 In reply to hunterN05 [2015-12-09 12:48:17 +0000 UTC]

Awesome, more funnyness :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to flygirlll26262 [2015-12-09 12:56:17 +0000 UTC]

Yep! Maybe xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0