hunterN05 — [ROH Bandits SM2] Secrets~ [NSFW]
#bandits #fang #fangs #hospital #infected #roh #zombies #remnantsofhumanity #crazyassbitches
Published: 2015-10-19 10:45:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 544; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description     "I got a job for ya," Scourge said as Joel, Jason and Ann returned to the bandits camp after their visit with their young survivor friend. "Also, the hell you three been?"

    Joel answered for them. "Had to take care of some... business during the fight with the infected hordes." he told the man, frowning. "What's the job?"

    Scourge smiled. "I need you to go scavenge from Iliad Trailer park, go look for some supplies, and keep an eye out for some medical shit, we need that mostly." He told the three. "Its not ideal, but it'll do. The hospital is overrun with the Fang like last time you three went there, but with them attacking the Remnants, you might be able to get inside and grab some stuff."

    "The hospital, again?" Jason groaned under his breath. "Why not." He sighed, deciding to let go of whatever protest he had. No nap for him it seemed.

    Ann as well sighed, she was hoping to get some rest.
    Joel was the same, but he nodded and accepted the mission.

    "Go get yourselves loaded down with ammo and get moving!"

- - -

One Hour later
- - -

    The three bandits, after cleaning their weapons and loading up on more ammo, had left the bandit camp and were now traveling down a familiar road. One that they had walked down before when they first met the young survivor, Marigold. Not much had changed the last time, the trees were still overgrown, the tanker truck was still there, however the body was gone, having been drug away by something.

    However, there were some new additions. Some cars had been parked on the side of the road, black sedans with black tinted windows. All three of them were stained with blood, and the doors left open. At the front of the cars, was a humvee, a military grade humvee painted black. It too was left abandoned. Joel walked by it with a cautious glance, Jason inspected the cars with Ann, both finding nothing of particular interest within.

    Joel found his eyebrow raising as he caught sight of a small symbol on the hood of a coat of arms with crossed enfield rifles. He recalled a faint memory from his childhood of that same symbol, and shook his head. It can't be the same one. He told himself as he moved past the vehicles, heading down the same route he took to get inside the hospital with his teammates. Ann and Jason followed close behind, weapons ready.

    The path leading to the fence wasn't guarded, which made Joel hesitant, but he fought back that and kept moving through the underbrush. Crouching low with his teammates until they reached the fence. Just like last time, the place was guarded, but there were not as many Fang members as last time. This would be easy as pie.

    "What's the plan this time boss?" Jason questioned in a whisper, eyeing the building from afar. He remembered the hospital from the city and shivered, this was nothing like that building of horrors, but it was bad enough to make him want to leave.

    "We head inside just like last time," Joel said, his mind planning out where to go and what to get. "We head to the pharmacy first, and if there isn't anything in there, we'll grab one of these punks and break their bones until they give up the goods." He told them, wanting to get this over with and take a nice long nap.

    "I'll provide a distraction if need be." Ann volunteered, checking her rifle and making a mental note to get a different one. She needed something with more kicked.

    "Okay then, Jason and I will head inside, you cause some ruckus like you did last time." Joel told her, pulling out his crowbar. "Let's roll." He told them, climbing the fence after making sure it was clear. Ann and Jason climbed soon after he landed, all three quickly made their way to a different entrance of the hospital. The Ambulance bay, when Jason saw Joel staring at the bay he made his way over to see what made his leader stop.

    Jason however, only saw an Ambulance, a single one sitting in the bay. It was crudely armored with sheet metal, scurity fences on the windows and wooden planks. Someone had wielded spikes onto the hubcaps, and the door was left open. "What the hell?"

    Joel calmly walked into the bay, looking over the vehicle with Jason and Ann. "What are they doing with this thing?" Ann wondered, eyeing the armored vehicle with a criticizing gaze.

    "I'm not sure," Joel muttered, eyeing the armored ambulance. He had no idea why they had this thing, and no clue what they were going to use it for. He shook his head. "Not our problem, let's find the supplies and get out of this hellhole." He told them, moving past the ambulance and heading inside the hospital's innards.

    Jason and Ann followed behind, but not before Jason gave once last glance at the ambulance. I don't like this. He noted, moving to follow his friends.

    Once they were inside the hospital, they noticed several things had changed, more junk was thrown about and crude barricades were set up inside. Ann had gone first, using her sharp eyesight to pick out any traps that may have been hidden within the junk. She had found several tripwires hooked up to hidden shotguns pointed down the hallway towards them, Jason took the opportunity to take the ammo for himself, seeing how they were all twelve gauge.

    The halls were dirty, coated in blood, spray painted messages of promised death and destruction of the other factions, and the rise of a stronger race of human beings, one led by the leader of the Fangs herself. Joel scoffed, he and his friends were bandits, who were also considered scum, but they were still better then the Fang. Sure they raided places, and normally didn't help out some survivors, they were still better to some degree.

    The sound of two fangs talking made them stop and take covered by an overturned gurney.

    "You hear what the boss lady's been wanting lately?" One of them asked, walking by the intersection the three had taken cover by.

    "No tellin' the crazy bitch."

    "She's wanting us to head out of the county and head to the military base upstate," The man said, getting an eyebrow raise from Jason and Ann. "That's why she's getting the cars and trucks armored up."

    "Why the military base though?" The other man questioned. "We got plenty of guns and ammo, and more supplies then we know what to do with."

    "There's talk going round she's wanting to get her hands on the tanks still there, or the jets and all the heavy artillery they got stored in the bunkers." The other man explained, both stopping in the intersection.

    That's interesting. Jason noted, that explains the ambulance being armored up.

    A laugh, then one of them said, "Like the other factions aren't gearing up to go upstate either?" He laughed. "That base has been the talk around this place, what if its empty!?"

    "Eh, not my problem, cause I ain't going." The man said before walking away.

    "Neither am I, but still."

    Any more talk was drowned out as they disappeared down the hall, leaving behind three confused and very interested bandits. Joel stepped out first, with Ann and Jason getting out as well.

    "There's a military base upstate?" Jason asked, tilting his head at the two residents of the county. He himself was not born in the county, he was from New York originally before moving down here.

    Ann nodded her head. "Yeah, it's where the military and most of the Remnants came from. No one knows what happened to it though, it's doubtful its still working, government collapsed last thing I heard."

    "Let's talk about this later and get those supplies." Joel told them, shutting out any more talk. "I'm tired as fuck." Was his answer as he walked towards the pharmacy, followed by his constant companions. As they walked, Joel did find himself curious about the base, and what the Fang leader Scylla had planned. He had never met the woman himself, but he knew she was batshit insane and used her own teeth to rip into people.

    Why did she want to head to the base? Chances of running into a working tank were slim to none, from what he heard of the military, they had pulled all of their assets and had gone out to sea, and were commanding what was left of their forces from ships. But that was just a theory someone had cooked up, some say the military is hiding in massive underground vaults waiting until the time is right to purge the country of the infected and establish the United States as a super country and slowly take over the world.

    Again, just a theory.

    Joel led the way to the pharmacy, eventually finding the door was unguarded. Joel held his crowbar at the ready, grabbing the knob and turning it. The door was unlocked. Never a good sign. He pushed on it, the door slowly going inwards. Inside, he saw the shelves were stocked to the brim with supplies, everything they needed. Jason and Ann thought nothing of it, instead rushing past Joel and gathering up everything they needed. Something isn't right here. He walked inside, grabbing a bottle of pills and shaking them, they were full.

    "Let's gather up wat we can and split." Jason said to Joel, grabbing several bottles of pills and bandages, shoving them into his pack with a grin. Looting was something he enjoyed immensely.

    Ann had filled up her pack, and turned around, only to freeze. "Joel..."

    Joel froze as well, feeling someone breathing on his neck. "You smell tasty~"



- - -

    "Wakey wakey~" A voice said to Joel, smacking him in the head.

    "Touch me again and I'll bite your fingers off." Joel growled, opening his eyes.

    "Ooohohoho, you got some bite in ya~" The girl said, flashing her sharpened teeth before bounding back.

    Joel got a good look at the girl, she was young, but not by much. She had shoulder length blonde hair that was needing a good wash, icy blue eyes that stared right into his own eyes. The girl twitched with every movement, no doubt a symptom of eating human flesh. "You're Scylla, aren't you?" He asked, frowning as he struggled against his bonds, just now he was noticing he was tied to a post and was outside.

    "Yes yes yes yes!" She cackled, shaking. "I am she! And you, you are food." She said, nipping at his neck with her teeth Not deep enough to kill him, but enough to make him bleed slightly. She pulled away with a giggle. "Mmm you taste nice~"

    "Leave him alone!" Jason cried, getting the butt of a shotgun shoved into his gut.

    The three of them had been brought outside to the back of the hospital, in the park like area. All around him Joel saw bones picked clean, dead grass patches and very few trees with bodies chained to them. All around them were Fang members, all of them thin, covered in blood and having body parts and bones dangling from their bodies like trophies. A few of them were sitting on bikes, both of the motor and self powered variety. All of them looked insane, others looked hungry.

    Scylla just walked around, shotgun in hand and her teeth bared. "You have the shit idea to think you can come into my house and still my shit!?" She yelled, pointing her shotgun at the construction worker, Joel did not flinch. "T-think again shithead!" She yelled.

    "The hell do you want kid?" Joel questioned the girl, frowning. "I'm not in the mood to play games with you."

    Scylla just chuckled. "What do I want?" She gestured to the area around her. "What don't I want?! I want everything boyo," She told the man, strutting around the the three of them. "I got plans!" She stopped by Jason, grabbing his head. "Lots and lots of plans! Plans, that involve a lot of things that I am going to use! And you three aren't going to stop me!" She said, jerking her head towards Joel, two scraggly looking teens came over and dumped their bags in the middle, still filled with supplies. "Why're stealing my shit!" She yelled, turning on her heel to face Joel.

    "..." Joel didn't answer, instead focusing on scowling as much as possible.

    He needs a blunt.

    "Well?!" Scylla yelled, twitching again.

    Joel didn't know what to do, he was trapped, his teammates were trapped... and it looked like they were done for.

    Fucking hell. He groaned mentally, prepared to go out kicking if he had to.

    But fate, had other plans it seemed.

    Gunfire rang out from the forest nearby the park, downing two Fang members and causing the others to shout out and scatter. "What the fuck?!" Scylla yelled, pumping her shotgun and firing off a wild shot into the air. "Open up on the forest you sorry sacks of shit!" She bellowed a war cry, pounding her chest like some warrior and running off into the woods, straight into the gunfire.

    Ann meanwhile struggled with her bonds, her knife being just out of reach in the wrist of her hoodie After the battle she had taken to keeping it there, and now it seems it was paying off. The knife was moved to her hand after a bit of moving, and she flicked it open and started cutting away at her bonds. Quickly she cut them off, running over to Jason and cutting him down, as Jason fell to the ground, a Fang member tackled Ann to the ground.

    "Tasty tasty~" He cackled, sharp jagged and yellow teeth snapping at her. An pushed against him, but the slim man proved to be rather strong for being so puny looking. He tried snapping at her neck, only to get her knife stuck in his eye, she shoved in it with a cry, making he clutch his face in agony. "AHHHHHH!" He screamed, yanking the knife out with a cry and running away, screaming and cackling like a banshee.

    Jason shot up, helping Ann ot her feet before grabbing the knife and working to get Joel down. "We better run for it." He said, stating the obvious.

    "No shit." Joel grunted as he was cut loose, the man didnt' waste time running over and grabing his bag and tossing the others to his friends. "Let's get the fuck out of here." He said, turning and running away, Jason and Ann in tow. The gunfire behind them raging on, bullets flew and smashed into Fang members, taking them down one by one.

    Scylla's screams and war cries could be heard all around.

- - -

    After fleeing the area, the three had made their way back to the bandit faction. Passing by the same road they came down... Joel had taken note the cars from before were gone, fresh markings on the ground visible.

    "Where did those cars go?" Ann asked, looking behind her down the road.

    "Guess they might have been the ones who saved our asses back there." Jason commented, scratching his head. "Or someone else took them, I have no idea."

    Joel had no comment, he had a suspicion as to who may have taken those vehicles, and who brought them in the first place. But he was keeping his thoughts to himself, for the time being. "Let's get back to the faction."

    The second he got back, he was going to bed.

    I need some weed. Were Joel's thoughts as he walked down the road, followed by his two companions.

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Comments: 10

JackJr12 [2015-10-19 18:20:22 +0000 UTC]

Good work Hunter!

I expected Scylla to be a bit more of a calm-insane, but that works too! XD

I see you got the human-eating shakes down!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to JackJr12 [2015-10-20 02:29:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Jacky boy

Hehehe, I saw she was Scatterbrained in her description, so I imagined this.
xD Maybe she changes a bit?

Yep! I learned that shake thing from The Book of Eli.
Such a good movie.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JackJr12 In reply to hunterN05 [2015-10-20 03:11:12 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

XD Well, its however you want her to appear, it's your story. Our writings are just templates.

Never saw it, been meaning to. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to JackJr12 [2015-10-20 03:28:07 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, well coolio~ hehehee xD

So good man, so good

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

flygirlll26262 [2015-10-19 15:08:04 +0000 UTC]

Omg, that was awesome! I loved it! And that was all right after making sure Marigold was alive too XD 

Nice work Dutschu!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to flygirlll26262 [2015-10-20 02:31:39 +0000 UTC]

Yep! They are all tired as balls and just want a nap.

Thanks Fly!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

flygirlll26262 In reply to hunterN05 [2015-10-20 03:00:08 +0000 UTC]

I feel bad for them, at least they got some rest while waiting for her to wake up.

You're welcome! (You should let someone proofread before you post, cause you have a lot of grammar mistakes, just a heads up. I do the same thing when I get excited about writing, so don't take this badly..)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to flygirlll26262 [2015-10-20 03:14:35 +0000 UTC]

At least, jeebus xD

Ahhh balls, well I did write this in the span of an hour so that may be why. Lemme look over it and edit it.
Thanks for saying so~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

flygirlll26262 In reply to hunterN05 [2015-10-20 12:24:37 +0000 UTC]

Yeah XD

Okay, yeah, I wouldn't mind being your proofreader... (I may like knowing a story before it's released XD)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hunterN05 In reply to flygirlll26262 [2015-10-21 16:33:52 +0000 UTC]


Hmm... I may take you up on dat

👍: 0 ⏩: 0