hunterN05 — Team Black Thunder V.2
Published: 2014-04-15 22:14:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 648; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description EXPLORERS GUILD: Team Black Thunder
Date Joined: 12/27/2013
Current Funds: 5 st



Name: Mason
Species: Pikachu
Nature: Relaxed
-Characteristic: Nods off a lot
Gender: Male                    Age: 18
Ability: Static.

Strength: 2                   Agility: 3 + 2 = 5 (TB)
Intelligence: 2               Charisma: 3

Total Points Left: 0
Type bonus: Agility + 2

Move 1: Thundershock
Move 2: Tackle
Move 3: Light screen
Move 4: Volt tackle

-Broad Brim Hat 
----Description:  A Dark Brown Broad Brimmed Hat, made for his species so it has two holes on the top for his ears to poke through.

-Item 2

-Item 3

Appearance: He looks like most Pikachu but his fur is a lighter shade of yellow and his eyes are an electric blue color. He has a small scar on his left shoulder that still hurts ever since he got it.

Name: Flora
Species: Snivy
Nature: Bashful
-Characteristic: Strong willed
Gender: Female                    Age: 17
Ability: Overgrow

Strength: 1                  Agility: 2
Intelligence: 4              Charisma: 3 + 2 = 5 (TB)

Total Points Left: 0
Type bonus: Charisma +2

Move 1 Vine whip
Move 2 Tackle
Move 3 Sunny day
Move 4 Razor Leaf


----Description: A Black Vest tailored for her species, a simple black Vest.

-Item 2

-Item 3

Appearance: Flora is a little shorter then Mason by about three inches and has bright purple eyes, she doesn’t have any scars but she does have a birthmark on the left side of her neck in the shape of a small star.

========== WRITTEN TEST ==========

A single streak of blue sky between the dense clouds above Andalusst City marks the start of an unpredictable morning, and it seems like rain or shine could develop at a whim. The assorted traders and pedestrians mulling about seem to be a little wary, trying to park their stalls and carts in shaded areas or making efforts to keep their dry produce hidden away for now.

While the Explorers Guild Hall isn't exactly the most eye-catching building, it still has a somewhat homely feel to it, even though Black Thunder has only just finished registering. The Explorers seem to have a certain unmistakable aura to them, though one in particular happens to meet their gaze.

The Servine leaning against a nearby wall inclines her narrow snout toward Mason and gives a little nod, her bright eyes briefly visible under the shadow of her hat.

"Hey... New, are you?" She speaks with a hint of caution, but her tone is otherwise welcoming. "Hmm, stupid question. 'Course you are, I saw you sign in. Admittedly I'm not great with this meet and greet stuff, so how about exchanging names to start things off? You first."

"Well, my name is Mason. Its nice to meet you miss." He greeted, tipping his hat in a friendly manner. She seemed rather nice.

Flora nodded as well to the evolved version of her, "Name's Flora, its nice to meet you as well."

Upon receiving this response, she relaxes a little, folding her small arms across her chest. "Ahh, that's great. Yeah, when you said your name just then, it had that... that "zing". It means you're serious about this, yeah? As for me, my name's Teresa. I'm what you'd call a Guild Assistant, which makes me your Serperior."

Mason stared for a moment, letting what she said sit, then laughed lightly. "Hehehehe. I see what you did there."

Flora shook her head softly.

She stares at Mason with a blank face for a moment, then giggles quietly. "You know, you don't have to be so polite. I don't really care about rank and file, but I do care about honesty. If I tell a joke and it sucks, feel free to roll your eyes."

She extends one of her thin, green vines and nods, expecting a handshake even though she keeps her arms folded. "So what brings you here, anyway? You from out of town, or...?"

Mason shook her vine with a smile, "Yes, we just arrived a while ago and helped out with the city's problem. And now we're looking to sign up."

Satisfied with their answer, Teresa nods and withdraws her vine. "Cool, cool... Well, whatever the case, you've got a name in mind for your group, right? I didn't get a chance to check your papers, but I do want to get more familiar with our rookie members when I have the time. I'm kinda new to this whole assistant thing, honestly."

"Oh, we're team Black Thunder." Flora answered for Mason who was too busy staring into Teresa's eyes for whatever reason, "Don't ask, I'm sure he's just spaced out."

A smile creeps over her narrow features when she hears the given name of Mason and Flora, though it's ambiguous as to whether she found it inspiring or amusing for other reasons. "There's that "zing" again. Feels good to know we've got Pokémon like you joining our Guild. I guess Cassidy wasn't exaggerating when he said the standouts just keep pouring in. Just don't get cocky - confidence is good, but overconfidence in a dungeon is a quick way to get yourself in trouble, along with everyone else in your party." She taps the side of her snout, then clicks her tiny fingers as another question enters her mind. "Oh right, this is very important - why did you want to become an Explorer, hm? Just curious..."

"Well, we want to explore really... I guess?" Mason explained shortly, sweatdropping slightly.

Flora face palmed, "We want to be Explorers to help those in need and map out the place, help out the guild and such."

She listens patiently to the explanation, but as soon as you're done with the tale, she immediately begins speaking again, her words leaving her mouth more rapidly and urgently than before. "...Because ultimately, the people come first, yeah? There's lots of food in the dungeons, and materials for clothing and medicine! When we go out and find that stuff, it means everyone here gets to have dinner. I mean, you know that, obviously, but just don't forget!"

Teresa sways her leaf-adorned tail from side to side and taps her foot, momentarily distracted by her own thoughts, a wanting grin plastered across her face. When she snaps back to reality, she lifts her snout into the air and clears her throat. "N-not to sound standoffish, but what exactly do you do, anyway? What skills or talents do you have to offer the Guild? Everyone's good at something, I think."

"Well I'm really fast... like, I can move really fast... and stuff." Mason told her, trying to think up something else, "I'm also crazy sexy."

Flora shook her head, "I used to be a bandit, so I know how they operate and I think my knowledge will be useful to the guild."

Even before you've finished properly answering, Teresa clicks her fingers and purses her lips, as if hearing that mythical zing yet again. "I can just feel it, you do what you do and do it with everything you've got. 'Cause in this guild, when a giver gives, then the giver gets... gotten... gets give-- eh, well you get what you give, or something. Whatever, it's written down on that big plaque in the hall. Just do your best and come see me if you need any help."

Sounding much more cheerful than when she'd first approached, she gives you a little wave and turns to immediately engage another group of recruits nearby, no doubt asking them similar questions. The life of a Guild Assistant must be a busy one.
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