Iggy-design — VR building 04 - Animated by-nd

#ar #building #city #concept #console #design #exterior #factory #gamedev #indie #industrial #lowpoly #mobile #pbr #structure #vr #iggydesign
Published: 2021-05-06 16:37:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 3916; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Available here: www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext…

A very lowpoly SciFi Building, intended for populated VR environments, but can also be used in any situation with a strong demand for Low poly approach, thus allowing the textures to lift the overall details level. It is also animated and comes in FBX file format. Compatible with: Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time apps, but can also be used for high end PC and Console game development.

Also fit for film making, student projects, animation and all other real-time apps. Works great on all platforms, consoles , PC and mobile. Textures are PBR oriented , using Specular approach, created in 4K resolution natively, also looks great when downscaled to 2K or 1K. ( Diffuse, Emissive, Normals, Specular, Roughness, and one Alfa-Specular for Unity ) I hope it helps you build your worlds!

If you need any other information , please feel free to contact me.

Enjoy your model and huge thanx for the support! 

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