Illogical-Lynx — Kutrahl Chieftain Concept

Published: 2008-07-23 12:48:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 2586; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 52
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Description This is not Azura!
More art from me? Has he gone mad? Months of nothing and now a barrage of new stuff!

This started as a diversion in a boring lecture and I was so happy with the idea that I redrew it on good paper and shaded it. I'm quite pleased with the detail on this, although a little voice in the back of my head is demanding a background. I don't really think it needs one though, this is just a concept.
I've been looking to expand Azura's universe a little, working outwards and this brings me to the structure of the Kutrahl, Azura's species.

Massive Description Follows
This guy doesn't have a name and I'm not going to give him one, since he's only concept art and not an actual character.
He's a Kutrahl chieftain, the huge alpha-male in charge of one of the many clans, ranging in numbers from several hundred to several hundred thousand. Kutrahl government is a feudal oligarchy with the strongest ruling the weak, as such the very top dogs are the huge chieftains, head and shoulders taller when crouched than Azura would be drawn up to his full height and more than twice Azura's weight.

Traditions dictate that to become chieftain of a clan, you have to kill the present leader so those who have attained power defend it with an iron fist.
The rules aren't much more specific than that, so the chieftains have to remain constantly on their guard. Most chieftains rule with the support of their immediate family so if the chief is killed in public, the rest of his line are already organised to avenge him and take the power back, preserving the dynasty. This factor stabilises the ruling class, so that it is usually impossible for anything but a highly organised coup to overthrow the current rulers of any given clan, even if the chief is killed.

Within the clan, the chieftain wields near-absolute power and can pass whatever laws he pleases without consultation and act as judge and jury in trials. However, it is in the best interests of a chief to keep his subjects as happy as possible, as unpopular rulers are usually betrayed very quickly.
Chieftains posses the best weaponry and armour available to the clan and are highly skilled in armed and unarmed combat as well as their brute strength, developed in their ruthless ascent to power.

As you can easily gather, the Kutrahl government is a highly unstable equilibrium, where one slip can plunge the entire clan into a bloody civil war. However, the huge emphasis placed on military prowess turbocharges them as a warrior race, ensuring their clans are run by the best fighters, supported by the most cunning tacticians.

Azura has never been a chieftain, not because of any inability to seize power, but more because if he were to take power, he would not be able to hold it without the connections most of the nobles have.
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Comments: 70

Illogical-Lynx In reply to ??? [2008-12-03 13:07:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! Glad you like him!
I think I needa do some more concepts for this species, perhaps a guard or a blacksmith or something...

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Garrison-Kelly In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-12-03 16:12:13 +0000 UTC]

How about a ninja?

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to Garrison-Kelly [2008-12-04 22:47:23 +0000 UTC]

Well, my main character from this race, Azura, could almost be considered a ninja and in fact I did call him a ninja back when I first made him. [link]
(There are a bunch more pictures of him in my gallery)

Nowadays I wouldn't really call him a ninja as such, just a top-grade assassin.

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Garrison-Kelly In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-12-05 00:49:21 +0000 UTC]

He's got a very interesting mask. Reminds me of what those sewer dwellers from Pink Floyd The Wall were wearing.

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RockyFS [2008-08-17 20:27:56 +0000 UTC]

Very nice! Reminds of the Scaven, or something from redwall.

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to RockyFS [2008-08-18 10:46:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!
I've heard of the Scaven but I don't know much about Redwall, although a friend of mine once drew some fanart for it...

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RockyFS In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-08-18 12:59:42 +0000 UTC]

Heheh, no worries! Tis a good pic.

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zarathus [2008-08-03 07:10:44 +0000 UTC]

Wow, very neat. The detail you've put into this looks awesome. Very interesting design, I like it a lot

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to zarathus [2008-08-05 06:59:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much indeed!
Hopefully I'll get a bit more work into the society I'm trying to create.

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echoyoyo [2008-07-26 08:40:04 +0000 UTC]

Little improvement needed for both hands: Twisting of right hand looks a bit awkward; more shading needed around the blade to show depth with respect to both legs; overlapping of handle and left hand needs more shading to show depth too; left shouder is good, yet the length and position of right shouder still looks distorted a bit; I love the facial expression, but what's with the whisker on the right hand side???...etc.

Sorry I am harsh this time, but I just want to make sure that you won't be content with what you have got at the moment. There are still details that are capable to be improved on; and you have more potential yet to be discovered.

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to echoyoyo [2008-07-31 02:13:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for your objective criticism, I'm truly grateful that you would take the time for me.

I can certainly see the mistakes you have pointed out, the had most of all is at a very queer angle. I think I need to practice drawing hands so I can do some more dynamic poses with them at different angles.

The whiskers on the right were something I added after seeing a picture of a rat with almost like long eyelashes for lack of a better word lol.
I can't find a photo that backs me up now, so I must have remembered wrong, but I had this feeling that rats also have some whiskers higher up the snout.

Once again, I thank you for your harshness, as they say, you have to be cruel t be kind.

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echoyoyo In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-31 07:39:09 +0000 UTC]

Lol. I am just very glad that you would take my criticism without being offended. - Yep, that's the only thing I was worring about

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to echoyoyo [2008-08-08 04:07:29 +0000 UTC]

I love receiving criticism. Sometimes you have to get someone else's perspective on something to see the mistakes in it because everyone looks from a slightly different angle.

Besides, it's always better to get what people truthfully think so you can learn from them then to be told that it's perfect when it isn't.

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WolfEclipse [2008-07-24 09:50:12 +0000 UTC]

That's so cool!
I love your pencil work, Max! The shading is excellent andnot only do you seem to dodge all smudging, but you maintain steady lines that separate each different material with ease. YOU HAS EPIC SKILLZ
HOLY CRAP, you even make armour look like armour and fur look like fur! AND THE WEAPONS

I want to know where you get your ideas from! They are so original and inventive. Have you any writing on these ideas?

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to WolfEclipse [2008-07-25 14:18:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very very much indeed!
Every now and then I get a comment that while perhaps not seeming much different from other comments, strikes a chord that makes it worth a helluva lot more to me than most. This is one of them.

I suppose I just have a hyperactive imagination. I've always had little fantasy worlds buzzing around in my head, although this one is by far the one that's come the furthest.
I have written a lot about various bits and pieces, although I'm a bit shy about posting writing seeing as I have very little experience with it and I don't know where I stand with it.
I have two pieces of writing that kinda merge into each other form a detailed description of this race. I actually started the extended description in a biology class when the teacher was telling us about possible evolutionary pressures that led to apes becoming bipedal, developing intelligence and evolving into humans. Being the science-geek that I am, I like to have everything in my ideas as well justified as possible. I don't like having "Because it does" as my best answer to any question. But this lesson got me thinking, maybe I had an answer to how Azura's species could have arose that would be somewhat viable?
So I wrote down a long term history of the species and what pressures caused the development of which humanoid traits. It was about 2 pages long and pretty TL;DR. After that I paraphrased it a bit and then expanded more on their current society and behaviour.

Aaaanyhow, if you're incredibly bored there are a few bits of my writing kicking about in my gallery - Not information but just a few experiments at writing fiction. You might have to turn "Featured deviations only" off since I might have hidden them lol
[link] Is probably my favourite of what I've managed to write. It's short and it had a definite plan right from the start so there's not much unnecessary verbiage.

Once again, thanks for the wonderful comment, do feel free to ask if you want to know something about a drawing, since (as you can probably tell) I love answering questions.
I apologise in advance if this reply is a bit long, you just totally made my day.

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WolfEclipse In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-26 09:46:49 +0000 UTC]

Awww I'm so happy now!!
YOU just made my day!!

I'm so glad my comment could leave an impression ^^ I always try to write more advanced comments on your art, because (1) you always leave wonderfully detailed and helpful comments on my pictures, and (2) you ask for advanced critique, which I can't give with so little experience/intelligence, so I try to make up for it

I'll definitely read through your writing as soon as I can! And I don't see why you're so shy. Seriously!! The paragraph you left in the comment with this picture was amazing. If you have little experience, then it must be natural talents! YOU'RE GIFTED MAN. LIVE WITH IT.

And I would love so much to hear more about these guys and their world If you ever want to share your genious and get some response for this story, just let me know!!

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to WolfEclipse [2008-07-26 13:35:27 +0000 UTC]

Everyone wins!

Thanks very much for taking the time to write long comments, I always try to write the best comments I can and it's great encouragement to know that people appreciate the effort. What was that movie called "Pay it forward"? That's what I kinda hope will happen.

Do you have MSN or anything? I could add you then I could send you bits and pieces over that, not to mention help out on photoshop etc.

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WolfEclipse In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-27 10:32:10 +0000 UTC]

I know what you mean! I haven't seen the movie, but I know the plot >_< That's the best way to look at it. Sorta like karma, no?

I sure do! It would be wonderful to talk to you sometime ^^
You'd never guess it was mine!

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to WolfEclipse [2008-07-27 23:16:31 +0000 UTC]

Ok, well I added you on MSN, I'm on most nights lol

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WolfEclipse In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-29 07:02:03 +0000 UTC]

I don't get on so much, but I'll try!

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to WolfEclipse [2008-07-29 07:53:58 +0000 UTC]

That's cool, I'm on... disturbingly often, I boot my comp up in the morning, put on MSN, the hub and a bunch of other stuff and then go off to lectures. I'm in and out all day long.

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WolfEclipse In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-30 01:13:43 +0000 UTC]

Haha I can't wait for Uni life! Except I'm kinda freaking out at the moment
But don't you have tonnes of homework? Are you doing a single major?

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to WolfEclipse [2008-08-01 11:10:50 +0000 UTC]

It's not that bad, especially if you have a few friends with you.

Homework is well within reason, you have a lot of time spare in a day to do it in. I'm in intermediate year for engineering. It's a pretty tough course, hard selection for it too.

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Xemos [2008-07-24 01:04:46 +0000 UTC]

SHIT. You weren't kidding about the long ass detailed explanation!! @o@

Jeez. I hope you expand more in your universe. I kinda wanna see this become a book or something.

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to Xemos [2008-07-24 10:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Did you read all of it? I like to think into things probably more than I need to, but it keep my mind occupied. I'm quite pleased with the way I've set this race up in terms of governing system, shows their nature quite well I think.

I'll probably do more, I might do several other concepts for Kutrahl footsoldiers, civilians and maybe even mounted troops of some kind. I also want at least one other non-human sentient species as well as several races of humans.
I think humans are important in any fantasy universe as they give a 'zero' to measure all the quirks of the other races against. It's hard to tell what's the norm if there's no link to normal reality to compare to.

Thanks very much for the !

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Xemos In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-24 11:24:45 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I read the whole thing. xD You need to do a size chart of the Chieftains versus a normal human. If these guys are huge compared to Azura i'd hate to see how big they are matched up with a little scrawny dude.

I agree. You can't have a good story without having humans to compare to. It gets really 'out there' otherwise.

I hope you can come up with another race. :3

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to Xemos [2008-07-25 06:52:32 +0000 UTC]

I always wonder if people actually read my ramblings. xD

I think a size chart would be pretty cool. Normally the Kutrahl are shorter and of slighter build than a human, especially in their crouched posture. The ones who make it to be chieftains are usually the abnormally large ones. Azura is a lot smaller, probably a bit smaller than your average human male. While these guys have the physique and fitness of bodybuilders or linebackers, Azura's strength is more along the lines of a long-distance runner, toned as opposed to bulky and good for speed and endurance.

Anyhow, thanks again, I'll see what I can come up with.

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Xemos In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-26 07:18:01 +0000 UTC]

lol, I read all your ramblings. And a few other people do too I believe.

Yeah, I figured Azura would be smaller and leaner than them. He's an assassin, not some beefed up gladiator. XP

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to Xemos [2008-07-27 23:31:17 +0000 UTC]

Good to hear. Every now and then, someone asks me something/says something wrong that was thoroughly explained in the description. I always read descriptions and I always wonder how people can post work, even photos, without a description.

Yeah, he's a sneaky bastard. A fit, human soldier could quite easily beat him in a fair arm-wrestle... hence why put in that situation, Azura would probably just twist they guy around into an arm-lock. Playing fair is not something he's really in the habit of doing.

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Xemos In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-28 04:55:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. I know how you feel. DX I 'kinda' try to put in a description.

Dude, in that story you wrote with Azura, if he hadn't been smart enough to figure out an escape plan those soldiers would've had him. :V

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to Xemos [2008-07-29 07:49:18 +0000 UTC]

Heh, he's a slippery bugger Azura is. Like trying to catch a fish in your bare hands, just when you think you've got him and are about to start closing your grip, he slides through your fingers and disappears.

There are only two things he really knows much about: Staying alive and Killing things. Get him to do basic maths or lead an army and he'll have no clue what he's doing, but if it pertains to one of those two things he knows about then he'll be able to carry it out with surgical precision.

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Xemos In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-29 10:31:25 +0000 UTC]

Which is wy i'm AMAZED he got caught once. *speaking of the one picture of Azura escaping from a dungeon* Who knew it was possible!? Hehe. Luck was involved though I bet.

Well we all have our strong points. Azura's is killing, ours is drawing.

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to Xemos [2008-07-31 02:03:25 +0000 UTC]

I haven't totally sorted out his history yet, but as you can imagine, it's been a learning process for him. He started out with a little talent and some luck which he still has along with a lot of experience from just about getting killed doing it wrong!

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Xemos In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-31 03:44:34 +0000 UTC]

If he does get caught at some point that'd be a lesson to him on how to be more careful. >_>

Keep on truckin'!

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jollywrecker92 [2008-07-23 20:00:52 +0000 UTC]

*Is in total envy of your pencil detail and shading skillz*

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to jollywrecker92 [2008-07-25 08:15:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!
This one's a bit lighter than my other ones. I just found that out when I put it up on the wall...

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jollywrecker92 In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-25 16:52:19 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!!!! Heheh.

Oh you printed it out as a poster? :3 If so, cool!!!

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to jollywrecker92 [2008-07-26 01:06:51 +0000 UTC]

No I just put the original one on the wall! xD
I bought a bunch of plastic sleeves so I can pin them up without damaging them.

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jollywrecker92 In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-26 02:18:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh! XD I do the same thing. That's really cool! :3 I'd like to see your collection so far. X3

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to jollywrecker92 [2008-07-26 02:45:36 +0000 UTC]

I took a quick shot of my noticeboard. I only have the pictures I brought down with me, so these are only my best ones. I'd post that Xolotl one but my printer is out of ink I think.

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jollywrecker92 In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-26 02:56:42 +0000 UTC]

OMG that's awesome! 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Illogical-Lynx In reply to jollywrecker92 [2008-07-26 03:41:50 +0000 UTC]

Lucky you can't see the floor underneath, my room is such a horrendous mess atm.

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jollywrecker92 In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-26 03:48:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh really? XD I betcha $50 bucks mine's worse!!! Hell I'd take a pic right now and show you just how much of a mess, my room is small.

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to jollywrecker92 [2008-07-27 23:22:41 +0000 UTC]

Well mine's reasonably tidy atm. I gave it a clean out the other day, but when it's bad, it's really, really bad. xD

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jollywrecker92 In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-07-28 04:32:58 +0000 UTC]

Aw damn. XDDD Mine still looks like a tornado ran through it.

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to jollywrecker92 [2008-07-28 11:34:32 +0000 UTC]

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Revilio [2008-07-23 19:13:46 +0000 UTC]

WOw ! excellent !!

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Illogical-Lynx In reply to Revilio [2008-07-25 06:46:51 +0000 UTC]

Merci beaucoup!

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Revilio In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-08-01 21:53:21 +0000 UTC]

de rien ! ^^

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Revilio In reply to Illogical-Lynx [2008-08-01 21:51:55 +0000 UTC]

de rien !!

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