Giving fire to the humans.
Carrying the burning twig in his beak,
As ash flies about him
Blackening his feathers which had until then been the most beautiful in the whole world.
This is only one of many stories about the rare white raven.
It is as if we see those white feathers, and can’t stop ourselves from talking about them.
And so, the white raven is a messenger from the gods,
Or the most beautiful bird, whose feathers took their colour from the snow.
In many cases these stories would state that white was in deed the birds original colour.
That something had happened, which had made it black.
The interesting thing is, as time went on the stories never really stopped.
They merely changed character.
Today many believe that the white raven lives one of the toughest lives in nature.
That in most cases their mothers will eat them as soon as they hatch.
That if they manage to make it until adulthood, they will get bullied, and ostracised by the other ravens for looking different.
But is this the case?
While they will often fill a less dominant role among other ravens, there simply is no bullying. They certainly aren’t shut out as many would have you believe...
And the thought of a raven mother eating any if her babies, is simply preposterous.
And yet, this is the narrative you will find nearly everywhere...
The fact checking has, it seems, gone out the window.
Then again...
This is the white raven we are talking about.
Have you seen the bird?