inkyjunk — We Seek Our End
Published: 2009-02-18 10:18:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 46; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 1
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Description Those who seek no end to life
Shall end it faster than he live it.
Those who seek to know all things
Shall lose the mind before it learns a lesson.
Those who seek more power than an ox
Shall die before the hands of the weak, the brave.
Those who seek to steal the love of another
Shall end her, himself, and any innocent connected.
Those who seek pleasure and ease through every breath
Shall make it harder to walk, to breathe, and to think.
Those who seek to be favored by all
Shall be shunned, distrusted, and loathed.
Those who seek to destroy the land and all who walk it
Shall only destroy the very spot he stands.
Those who seek to share all secrets, tell all lies
Shall never have secrets or truths to tell about themselves.
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Comments: 1

silvertruth5 [2012-01-26 01:10:11 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome, it expresses cause and effect flawlessly. Moral being selfish ambition always leads to ruin

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