Mami wata is a school of divinities that are widespread throughout Africa, and have many different names and traits per region. While the majority of them are female, male mami wata are sometimes known as spirit husbands that come to troubled human women. The chief mami wata is Yemaya, or Yemoja, who is Queen of the Ocean, and mother to all living things. Her most famed daughter is Oshun, a fun loving goddess of freshwater who protects orphans and the poor and especially loves music. They can appear both in human form, or with a fish tail. One of their most defining traits is their plurality, they can become whatever is needed.
ORIGINS: Mami wata are orishas, forces that link humanity with nature and spiritual power.
ITEMS: Mami wata are also associated strongly with snakes, and are often seen sporting one around the shoulders. Yemaya is associated with cowrie shells, while Oshun carries a golden fan.
MAGIC: Like their cousin across the sea, Lasiren, mami wata will lead people under the water to teach them great skills and awareness. However, if you're not paying close enough attention, they may drown you instead. Listen to the lesson, and you will return shortly to your normal life more able to obtain wealth, beauty, and happiness. They also hold the power of health and healing, and are therefore said to be responsible for all illnesses and afflictions. If you get sick, it is because a mami wata has taken and interest in you, and wishes for you to seek them out. Female mami wata are barren, but can grant fertility to childless women. However, once a woman has a child, she is said to be farther away from the mami wata spirit since she has become less like her.
TEMPERAMENT: Mami wata teach humanity about agriculture, hunting, defensive measures, spiritual guidance and love spells and divination. They are especially protective of children. They revel in luxury and are usually happy and good-willed toward others even if they like to indulge themselves in life's pleasures. You may meet one in human form attending a spa, beauty store, bar or market. They enjoy shopping and mingling with humans. Though they use legs to get around on land as we do, they never exactly “blend in.” Occasionally, one will take human form to act as a prostitute. After a sexual encounter with a man, she will reveal her true form, and demand that he remain faithful only to her. If he does so, he will gain great wealth, and if he does not he will instead be met with misfortune.
LIKES: Mami wata enjoy offerings of jewelry, combs, mirrors, oranges, pound cake, honey, cinnamon, yams, pumpkins, yellow roses, perfume, powder, incense, soap, gold and amber.