jade-krapsen — SurrenderYourMindBeFreeOfLogic

Published: 2007-09-09 14:47:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 85; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 4
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Surrender Your Mind: Be Free of Logic

white flag = surrender
"confused" smiley mouth + excited eyes = contradiction
distorted building-like object atop head = gravity defiance or something
Basically, the whole picture is meant to provoke thought and contradict the very presence of logic. Big words, yes, but it's not really a great drawing, so I don't intend to put much effort into the description, sorry....

I love black Sharpies. This is NOT a continuous line like most of my squiggly-looking drawings that you've seen before.

6 Sept 2007
Sharpie - Ultra Fine Point in black
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