jag140 — Dream House 1 by-nc

#building #castle #chess #fantasy #house #painting #steampunk #surreal #watercolor
Published: 2020-01-30 21:03:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 262; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description This one sort of has a story behind why it's so weird. I was inspired by MC Escher's drawings and got the chessboard idea from this surreal indie game called 'back to bed.' As for the round green and yellow building... I had this early childhood memory of a carousel for a long time, and I know I've had dreams of the green and yellow gazebo surrounding it so I wasn't sure if the memory was a dream or not. But as it turns out, the building and ride were real and I just saw them a few days ago after travelling halfway across the country lol.

So to celebrate this discovery, I decided to paint a round green and yellow building and make this silly thing that resembles something you'd see in a dream, or in the imagination of a child, thus the title of 'dream house.'
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