JanaMay — Lana Jedi Talk

Published: 2018-06-18 02:37:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 508; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description Had some ideas i wanted to work on. I haven't played TOR in a while because i've been playing WoW, that doesn't mean i have neglected Star Wars all together, no its still very much my favorite pass time and a little bit ago i began wondering about one of my favorite companions Lana and her character. I was curious how things would go now since The Threon Rescue how things will unfold with her in next stories to come. She's been a valuable ally and friend since SoR but still not much is really known about her own motivations, despite all the hard work and support she had put in with the main character. So i wondered what's next for her?
Would it be possible for Bioware to consider Lana having the option to turn Jedi from Sith. Especially if the influence with her is so high?
I was always curious about that. Wondering if we can return to the Jedi after the Alliance is finished.
I am constantly wondering how that would go. For my Jedi Character i know she'd like to return to Tython and check on Master Satele Shan and see what can be done about repairing the jedi order and finding her still missing companions (one i hope they are still in the process of resolving)
But i always found it curious about Lana, why (other than romantic) would she still stay with a Jedi even though she is a Sith. The two ideologies, lore wise, should almost always be at a conflict, so i wondered if perhaps Lana herself may doubt her own purpose after being so isolated from the Empire for so long. (She may have connections but they have hardly had her back)
Could it be possible for her to forge a new path for herself? I think it would be such a fun idea for my Jedi to adopt her and make her a new padawan to fill in Kira's missing shoes lol I know there is much Love for this companion, so why has there been no development of her character yet? or maybe perhaps they are saving some delicious story content for the next up incoming chapters, maybe?? One can only hope!   
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