Basic info For Azol'Amath Carnival
Horse name: Bacalhau
Horse age: 736 yo
Rider name: Sasha
Rider age: 18
Stables: Establos de Apollonia
Class: Halter
Demands horse 5yo + √
rider 15yo + √
sunny weather √
big clouds on the horizon √
fullbody visible (horse and rider) √
costume √
Story For he was like an ancient myth, almost intangible and too astonishing to believe he was real. Like a phantom from another world, like an alien from below the sea with all its exotic colours... The only thing known for her was the lionfish colouring imprinted on him. Never before has she seen such a unique creature, for what is worth, she has only seen a little. Still pretty young but quite experienced, that is how we could describe Sasha, a positive minded student Jasper recently employed in her stables. Sasha didn’t have any previous experience with horses, her curriculum said, however, that she is capable of any kind of work and she would do the work with gusto and ardour. Not only did she fulfil the preset arrangement she and Jasper agreed on, she also kept trying to learn as much as she could about the stable animals, and horses most of all. She was hardworking but still full of humour and energy to entertain other stable staff. That’s mainly why they all fell in love with Sasha, an eighteen-year-old student of medicine. Jasper didn’t know exactly why she came to Establos de Apollonia to get some skills, but she knew for sure the girl had a big heart and was gifted with an enormous amount of “love for all”. With her positive attitude she also won the sympathy of Bacalhau, the only Nagian unicorn in the stables. Not many things were known about him since he preferred loneliness to company. What Jasper did know was that he loved corals and it was very difficult for her and the stuff to supply fresh corals for it only grew several miles from the island of Evenland and it was almost impossible to get some. She also knew Bacalhau can manage to get it by himself, that is why she just let him stay in the sea and by the shore almost whole day and never get the chance to build a stronger relationship. Now that Sasha was here, she became particularly interested in him, Bacalhau specifically. Jasper was sure it was because of his exclusivity and that he was one of the kind in their stables, moreover the only one who could walk on the water surface or dive deep under it and stay there for hours. And Sasha seemed to be also drawn by the sea, she enjoyed collecting seashells and finding pearls in them, unfortunately for her she had never found one.
At first, Bacalhau was wary of her, he probably thought she was acting weird and suspiciously. He saw Sasha jumping and dancing around a big tree trunk that was washed out onto the shore, or talking to seagulls, and another time he was confused by her swimming techniques he found extremely hilarious and that was the time he became interested in her too. For he was usually reserved and cautious, but also spontaneous. That is why one day he approached closer to examine her, to study her features up close. Sasha sensed him behind her back, but did nothing to disturb his surveillance. Jasper watched them from a hill above and was very proud, yet a tiny bit jealous, of Sasha whom she was training the previous days to be able to understand the horse’s soul, its needs and desires. Now she saw the training wasn’t for nothing. Sasha got the most of it and transformed it into reality, applied all the information about horses in this situation, on Bacalhau. And only then did he let her turn around and stroke his muzzle. His eyes shone and Sasha, and also Jasper, could see they were soul mates. Sasha was the girl he was waiting for for more than seven hundred years. That’s right! Bacalhau is so old he experienced the medieval times. That is one of the things Sasha admires about him the most. If only he could speak to her and talk about all the things that happened to him, she thought.
After some time, Jasper had a brilliant idea. She knew there was a Colderrian competition going on and knew she couldn’t manage to participate and the preferable breed were Nagians. Hence Sasha was the one to do the job since she was the one to build the strongest relationship with Bacalhau so far. “I was thinking,” started Jasper, “would you mind participating in a show with Bacalhau?” Sasha looked a bit shocked, but accepted with pleasure. “That’s great, Sasha, really great. Mostly because you are already registered and have number 1!” “So you knew I would say yes? What if I didn’t get along with Bacalhau?” “Then you would participate with another horse, I would have withdrawn his registration and put some other horse on its place. But since it is mainly a show for Nagians and it’s orientated on the most colourful horses, he is just perfect for it. So I’m glad you two get on well.” “Well I am happy to do it and look forward to it! But I hope I won’t disappoint you.” “That is not an option, Sasha. I trust you entirely. Furthermore, I believe this will suit you well as the competition is in Rio carnival style, which means not only the horses, but also the handlers need to have as many colourful accessories as possible!” “That sounds terrific, but don’t the Rio dancers wear only like... a tiny swimsuit?” “They do, but this isn’t your case, you will have normal-sized swimsuit, don’t worry about it. I also have some ideas in my head about the feathers we can use as a decor.” “Me too! I believe we can put the ideas together and it will surely became something amazing.” “Well, Sasha, I am very happy about your enthusiasm, let’s get to work now,” Jasper smiled.
Bacalhau didn’t need any extra training for he was on this world so long he had tried almost every kind of competition there is. He was like a lamb during the preparations, didn’t mind the very heavy collar made of feathers Jasper and Sasha made. Everyone in the stables was excited about the show and they shared the collective enthusiasm. The final arrangements have been set, the starting number has been pinned, now the only thing remaining is the judge’s opinion.
Ranking 5 points competition picture
5 points full body
4 points detailed shading
3 points story (1050 words)
2 points background
0 points 6th place
Comments: 63
Forbidden-Hanyou In reply to Jasper-19 [2016-10-25 09:20:13 +0000 UTC]
I really do love it! <3 And I watched you because all your other art is awesome too! <3 Thanks for the watch too btw! <3
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
GinasDream [2016-10-21 16:08:54 +0000 UTC]
First of all, I need your patience if you drew those feathers yourself. I mean, that must have costed you half a life at least.
Also super great job on her bikini, wow. I love that girl soch much. And the detail you put in here is amazing as well, the waves and shell in the background are what I like best about that.
And the horse shading is great as well. So shiny and it fits a sunny day at the beach a lot.
Just a little tip, due to the sand your characters should sink in a bit, just a little bit to make them more 'in' the picture.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Happy-Horse-Stable [2016-10-21 13:33:05 +0000 UTC]
Woaw, that's amazing! Love the details! The way you put so much dept in this piece, the ocean, the feathers, and ohmygosh the human. Well done, I applaud you!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AroonCat [2016-10-20 09:10:35 +0000 UTC]
Noah, i love the patterns on that horse!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AroonCat In reply to Jasper-19 [2016-10-20 10:05:53 +0000 UTC]
woah, awesome!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Talvace [2016-10-19 18:47:51 +0000 UTC]
This is absolutely stunning! From the realistic style of the drawing to the unique and gorgeous design of your characters, I could stare at this for hours. Wonderful job on the water, by the way! I always struggle with that, but you draw it very well. (:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AllspireEstates [2016-10-19 16:29:28 +0000 UTC]
The horse has such an interesting design! I love those feathers with that background they're so pretty together ^^ I can't decide my favorite part it all looks so good! The ocean is beautifully done and the shading of it all goes wonderfully with the rest of the piece!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
KimEnLie [2016-10-19 10:39:37 +0000 UTC]
this piece is sooo amazing! the background is absolutelt stunning Q.Q also the horse and the person look amazing in the setting with their costumesm such lovely color combinations it truely looks tropical!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jasper-19 In reply to Magidaa [2016-09-14 16:12:47 +0000 UTC]
yaaaaay, mockrát děkuju Magii
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
BUGHS-22 [2016-09-11 15:56:57 +0000 UTC]
Nemám slov, fakt úžasné, detailíky v pozadí, moře, pírka, nádhera, krásně sladěné... O.O
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Eris-France [2016-09-09 23:40:54 +0000 UTC]
this is so amazing!
I love all the detail you put into it!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Irsibil [2016-09-08 05:26:05 +0000 UTC]
Než jsem to otevřela si říkám, wau, kdo to nakreslil? A pak koukám že Jaspi, úplně mi to vyrazilo dech! To je naprosto úžasné zlepšení, ta postava je naprosto skvělá a perfektně nadetailované ty pírka...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jasper-19 In reply to LysallArt [2016-09-08 05:28:29 +0000 UTC]
joooo je, kreslila jsem a kreslila a najednou mi z vlasů vyplynuly tak trochu dredy tak jsem ji celou ztmavila na takovou světlejší černošku, a její zjevení ve stájích popisuju v příběhu Jmenuje se Sasha. Díky strašně moc! Dala jsem si u ní fakt záležet, protože jsem věděla, že bude skoro celá odhalená Nejvíc jsem pyšná na ten obličej, který mi většinou v malém rozlišení nejde dobře nakreslit a je celý akorát rozpitý. Jsem zvědavá, jestli jí někdy nakreslím nějakou refku.
Pruhyyyy ty byly asi nejmenší problém na něm, pokaždé zápasím s těmi ploutvemi totiž A taky s tím zbarvením, když to stínuju, tak ho přetmavím, tak to pak musím zesvětlovat a tím ztratí ten oranžový nádech, takže si pak ještě dlouho po dokreslení koně hraju s odstínem, jasem atd... Ale jsem strašně ráda za tak krásný komentář od tebe, moc děkuju
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
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