As a photographer deeply intrigued by the delicate dance between humanity and nature, I embarked on a journey to Haderslev Fjord, Denmark, in 2023. This location, with its tranquil waters and serene landscapes, seemed the perfect canvas for my "Still Water Series I."
In the series, each photograph portrays individuals or small groups of young people gazing upon the still waters of Haderslev Fjord. Far from the usual imagery of rebellion, these snapshots freeze instances of respite—moments where thoughts are gathered, convictions are solidified, and dreams are nurtured.
Engaging with the serene waters and landscapes of Haderslev Fjord, I aimed to capture the essence of stillness and equilibrium that exists in this unique setting. Inspired by conversations with locals about the evolving relationship between urban life and the environment, I sought to evoke the serenity of this cohabitation.