JenL — The Tale of Igma and Claudia 3

#academy #claudia #dr #evil #igma #nigma #academyofevil #n
Published: 2014-05-05 02:32:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 3531; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 2
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Description The Tale of Igma and Claudia

Chapter 3: Remembering

Claudia stood in the middle of her room tapping her foot. Her arms were crossed and she had an annoyed expression on her face as she stared down her unwanted guest.

The room in which they stood was an office and sitting room hybrid. A bedroom and a bathroom were off to the side. It was like a small apartment and all of the teachers at the Academy were provided with one in the teacher’s dormitory.

Igma had been standing over by the door staring at the ground between them for a few minutes now without saying a word. He seemed as if wanted to speak but only fidgeted and sighed.

She was getting impatient. It was the middle of the night, she’d had a hard day of teaching, she was tired and wanted to go to sleep, when he suddenly came barging in through her door despite her best efforts to keep him out. And now it seems all he wanted to do was waste her time.

Growing frustrated with Igma, Claudia finally broke the silence between them with an annoyed grunt. “If you’re not going to say anything, then leave. I’m too tired to deal with you right now.” There was another couple minutes of silence without him moving as she tapped her foot.

Igma was unsure what to do. He ran his skeletal fingers through his hair as he contemplated what to say. If he didn’t approach her carefully she would no doubt toss him back through the door without hearing him out.

He looked up towards the roof where an owl was perched. It was so quiet he’d never had noticed it if he didn’t already know it was there. It was named Athellion as he recalled. That owl was a Christmas gift he had given to Claudia back when he first returned to the Academy to teach magic. Igma always knew how much she loved owls. It was worth the thrashing it's mother had given him when he stole it out of the nest as a baby.

When Igma finally got the courage to speak he couldn’t look her in the eye before asking, “Why do you want me to leave?”

Claudia raised an eyebrow. “That’s what you wanted to say? You came here in the middle of the night just to say THAT?”

“Why don’t you want me here? ...just, why?”

Claudia rolled her eyes. “I don’t have time for this...”

“Claudia...” He asked quietly with a saddened tone in his voice. “WHY do you hate me?”

It didn’t seem like he was going to be his usual weird or grabby self. If Igma was willing to be civil for once then she may as well be civil too.

She let out a sigh.  “I don’t HATE you.”

“If you don’t then why do you push me away so much?”

She paused to think for a minute. If Igma was willing to communicate then perhaps she might be able to talk some sense into him. “Because, you’re really annoying and I don’t want to put up with it.”

“I don’t get it. It’s annoying just to want to talk to you?”

She still found herself getting rather impatient with him. “If all you want to do is talk then you wouldn’t be such a pest about it.”

“How am I a pest?”

Surely he couldn’t be this clueless. “Well, for starters you came barging into my room, practically busting the door down, even when you know you’re not allowed here, stand around wasting my time,” Claudia went on ranting as Igma stood back and watched.

“But it’s the only way I can even get near you.” Igma said, once he found a break in her rant.

She finally stopped tapping her foot. “Forcing your company on people won’t make them want you around.”

“But if I don’t try,” there was sadness in Igma’s voice, “then I’m just alone.”

Claudia began rubbing the temples of her forehead. “Can’t you at least TRY to be normal, though? Other guys don’t sneak in through the window or use teleportation spells to get in here. ”

Igma had a hurt tone. “But it’s the only way I can even get in.”

She sunk her forehead into her hand. “Other guys don’t come around here in the middle of the night while I’m trying to sleep.”

“But I CAN’T come here during the day because of my condition.” The hurt tone in his voice faded as he began to sound more agitated. “I have to sleep during the day because I can only be active at night. You KNOW that.”

She felt as if this conversation was going nowhere. “Other guys don’t-“

He broke off her talking. “OTHER guys...”

“Yeah, so, what’s it to you?” She asked. “It’s not like it’s any of your business if other guys come around here or not.”

“It’s always OTHER guys.” Igma took a step closer. “Oh, I’ve seen you all right,” His aggravation grew; “flirting with the male teachers around here-” His voice began to rise to a shout, “BUT NEVER WITH ME!”

Claudia was taken aback by his sudden change of attitude. She knew him to be unpredictable at times, but he had never been confrontational with her before. Normally he would have been tossed back out of her room by now. But it seems he was more determined to not be dismissed this time.

“Claudia,” He continued, “I would have given you anything. Everything you could ever want would be yours. There is nothing that I would not do for you!”

Igma was pacing back and forth in front of Claudia before turning to face her.


She was stunned with silence by his outburst. Her owl however hooted angrily, protesting the disturbance. She’d seen Igma yell at students or other teachers before, but never at her. It was a little jarring considering his appearance and known abilities. Perhaps it was a mistake mentioning other men. He was usually a quiet and passive man by nature, but he did have his mood triggers, and it seems certain careless words could set him off without warning.

Claudia took a step back and recomposed herself. As shocking as his behavior was she was still not going to allow anyone, especially not him, to come into her room and harass her. “Let me ask YOU something then. Do you ever consider MY feelings? Have you ever considered that maybe I don’t want to hang out at night? Why can’t you find someone else who wants to socialize after daylight hours?”

Igma just stood there in front of her, still as a statue, not answering, yet unwilling to look away. She could tell he was looking at her even with those opaque green goggles covering his eyes. Though most of his face was covered she’d never seen him look so saddened and yet so determined.

She had to admit to herself that even after all the years she’s known and dealt with Igma he was still a mystery. Even with all her psychology and mental training she still couldn’t tell what went on in that mind of his.

Unsure she would even get a straight answer she still felt the need to ask, “Why do you keep coming back here?” She was less annoyed and more curious. “No matter how many times I tell you to go away you just keep coming back. WHY?”

There was a long pause of silence before he answered her. “Because,” Igma replied in a grave tone. “You remember my name.”

“Huh?” She found it a bit confusing. “What do you mean?”

Igma continued, “No one even wants me around. It’s like people would prefer if I didn’t exist. And it’s been that way my whole life!”

Claudia raised her eyebrows. She found that hard to believe, really. She knew Igma was a natural repellent to everyone around him. But surely he was exaggerating.

He continued, “It’s true.”

His shoulders slumped as he ran his flesh fingers through his hair. “I’ve always been alone. It’s been that way my whole entire life.”

Igma looked as if he was about to start crying. “My parents didn’t want me and kept me locked up in the basement until I was old enough to abandon at the Academy. The other kids wouldn’t associate with me. The teachers treated me like a freak. And it’s still like that even today!”

“But what do you want from ME though?” Claudia asked. “It’s not like I can change how your life is.”

A tear seeped from under his goggles and ran down his face. “You were the one person who didn’t shun me. I just…. want us to be like we used to be.”

Then it dawned on Claudia, what Igma was really after, what he was harassing her for all these years.

It was the past.

It’s not what he wants now, but what he wanted back then.

“That’s what all this harassment has been about? Wanting to relive our childhood?”

“Not relive, I just want it back.” Igma said with a twinge of hope in his voice. “What we had …what was lost.”

Claudia felt she owed it to him to at least tell him why. “But Igma, after you started taking the magic classes, you changed.” She said. “You became angry, revengeful. You didn’t just want to take over the world. You wanted to destroy it.”

“But, that’s what this school is for!” Igma claimed.

“But you were taking it too far!” Claudia explained. “When you started reading books about dark magic you weren’t the same anymore. You started talking about killing people, unleashing demons and destroying everything. And your arm, look at it. I didn’t want to end up like that too.”

Igma looked down at his skeletal hand as he moved the boney fingers around. It was a side effect he hadn’t anticipated while experimenting with magic. He had to admit, she had a point.

He pushed his goggles up onto his forehead so he could wipe his eye. It was still strange for Claudia to see a person with red eyes even while knowing him for so long. It was easy to forget how truly different he really was since he always kept his face covered.

“Don’t you remember how you used to come to me to protect you when it was dark when we were younger?” Igma said. “You used to stay with me at night.”

“But Igma, what I feared... you became a part of it.”  Claudia said.

“You were afraid of the dark. But to you I am part of the darkness now?” Igma looked a little dejected. “So I’ve become what you fear...”

Igma pulled the goggles off his head and stuffed them into an unseen pocket inside the front of his coat.

“Don’t you remember how it used to be?” Igma asked in a tone of hopefulness. “We used to be so close when we were young. We always hung out, even when class was over. You were my only friend.”

Claudia snorted. “Before you turned into a creep, you mean. And ever since you came back to this school all you’ve done was chased me around harassing me.”

Igma swore that woman could spit daggers when she wanted. “Huh, guess I’m not very good at showing affection. But can you blame me considering how little contact I have with people?”

She rolled her eyes. After all, he did have a point.

”Claudia...” Igma finally got the courage to look her in the eye. “I... loved you. ...and I still do.”

She closed her eyes, neither smiling nor frowning. “Igma, don’t you see? It’s not love that you feel, you’re just holding onto the past.”

“The past?” Igma seemed genuinely confused.

“Yes. What we had is gone, but you can’t seem to let go or move on.”

His eyes began to water. “You may have, but I haven’t.”

There was a large high-backed leather chair next to the door. Igma slumped into the chair, sliding down into it, depressed. Soundlessly, tears begin running down Igma’s face.

Claudia scratched her head, thinking for a moment. “Igma, tell me, what IS it that you want? Not just from me, but in general.”

There was a long pause before Igma answered. “...to be cared about.”

She was taken aback by his answer. She had been expecting something typical like love or happiness. But she had to admit it was understandable since Igma really had been deprived of basic human contact since he didn't have friends or family. It made her feel as if she had taken much for granted in life since company and companionship wasn't something she ever lacked.

Igma's tears began to run heavier as he continued, “But you don’t even give me a chance.” He tried to wipe some of the tears away but it was a pointless effort.  “You say I’ve changed, but so have you. Only I’m not willing to give up on you.”

He slumped forward in the chair, placing his face in his hands. Tears were dripping from between his fingers to the floor.

Claudia could only stand there in front of Igma, her old friend who was silently weeping into his hands.

She was exhausted, both mentally and emotionally. It was already into the A.M. hours.

She backed away from Igma, leaving him to his soundless crying. She didn’t have the heart to make him leave with him like that. Her owl, Athellion, quietly watched her from his perch as she went.

Quietly slipping into her bedroom, she closed the door behind herself and locked it.

Walking over to her bed, she took her boots off and placed them on the floor at the foot of the bed. Then Claudia pulled a small handgun out from a drawer from the nightstand next to the bed and checked to make sure it had bullets in it before sliding it under her pillow. Experience taught her to be well prepared for any kind of danger while living at this school.

She looked back at the door for a moment. Claudia doubted Igma would try anything sneaky tonight, he would probably show himself out once he realized she wasn’t there anymore. At last she slid under the covers and finally fell asleep.


Igma and Claudia's story continues.

If you guys are wondering why they don't supposedly know about each other's pasts even though they were friends as kids it's because Igma sucked at communicating back then too. He was a shy and quite kid and Claudia isn't one to bring up painful childhoods (you'll find out why next chapter).

In the next chapter they'll go more into detail about the past. Claudia will talk about her past and Igma will finally tell about his mouth stitches.

More chapters of The Tale of Igma and Claudia:

Chapter 1: jenl.deviantart.com/art/The-Ta…
Chapter 2: jenl.deviantart.com/art/The-Ta…
Chapter 4: jenl.deviantart.com/art/The-Ta…
Epilogue: www.deviantart.com/jenl/art/Th…


Necros Igma and Claudia (c) Me
Academy of Evil (c) Activision

Disclaimer: You can reblog, use, display my art. Just please link back, give credit, etc.

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Comments: 15

SarkyFancyPants [2014-07-22 00:12:28 +0000 UTC]

Whoah, it's been ages since I heard about them. Now that I'm finally reading this, it hits real hard 8'U I really missed them omg.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wafflecake26 [2014-05-15 11:03:27 +0000 UTC]

I remember quite a few years back I used to like claudia but after this chapter im beginning to hate her very good chapter though and I love the picture

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JenL In reply to wafflecake26 [2014-05-15 16:49:16 +0000 UTC]

If I might ask, what is it about Claudia that makes you dislike her now? (I'm curious for future stories)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

wafflecake26 In reply to JenL [2014-05-16 17:43:06 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome
Just really because I think shes being unfair on igma for changing really I hope this helps you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JenL In reply to wafflecake26 [2014-05-16 19:03:06 +0000 UTC]

Yes, it does. Thank you for the feedback.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

wafflecake26 In reply to JenL [2014-05-16 19:45:03 +0000 UTC]

Ah good your very welcome! Glad to help

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LutumNebula [2014-05-06 01:37:55 +0000 UTC]

I have been waiting so long for this to be continued...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeaTheDoberman [2014-05-05 15:00:12 +0000 UTC]

Great job, Jen!!!
You described Igma's feelings well and I feel sorry for him. Hopefully you continue fastly to write... I really love that tale!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xzahaki [2014-05-05 13:33:01 +0000 UTC]

long time i have ever heard from them or see them. ah so much memories had been brought back ya.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sony-Shock [2014-05-05 09:14:58 +0000 UTC]

Years ago I wouldn't have expected to enjoy this as much... Wow!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OvershadowedInc [2014-05-05 07:32:34 +0000 UTC]

Whoa.. o.o;
Well done, Jen!

I can feel the hurt, man I am eager for the next read between them! D:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sifriyah [2014-05-05 06:57:07 +0000 UTC]

Neat story. Love the emotions in it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DoomsEye [2014-05-05 06:28:11 +0000 UTC]


And a dang fine one too. I'm still amazed at your art, y'know? You really know how to do some excellent lighting, and it shows in the attitude of your characters and set pieces.

Anyway, this was a fun read, as we finally get some insight on Igma and Claudia's past and involvement with one another. This is shaping up to be extremely fascinating.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bcrbuio3tvrbvt [2014-05-05 02:43:28 +0000 UTC]

ah at last its here!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Beane-Cat [2014-05-05 02:43:08 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh, so sad. They both have such valid points, and it's just... it's all so sad for both of them.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0