jmarme — Crono by-nc-nd

#akiratoriyama #crono #gaming #nintendo #retrogaming #rpg #squareenix #supernintendo #videogames #chronnotrigger #classicrpg #jmarme
Published: 2021-04-12 16:50:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 4993; Favourites: 87; Downloads: 0
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Description The time travelling swordsman

Chrono Trigger (CT) is widely considered one of the greatest RPGS of all time and for good reason. For a classic super nintendo game, it has a great cast of characters, an engaging story and a BIG amount of alternate endings based on how you play the game.

I played CT until I was in my late teens and I loved every second of it, the art style of Akira Toriyama is great and I think this is  agame that definitely deserves an HD Remake ala FF VII remake, keeping the spirit of the original alive but developing on it to make a modern masterpiece. Imho If the 16 bit original is still awesome there's a great base to make an amazing modernization of it.

I would love it if Crono made it into Smash, I know there's already too many anime swordsmen and also many Square Enix characters in Smash, but Crono is a true classic and I'd love to see him comeback in some way

I can imagine his final smash calling on the rest of his party and doing an awesome  group attack, I'd love to see Frog and the others in 3D x)

I don't really think his chances of making it in are too high compared to others, but it would definitely put a smile in my face if he did :3
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Comments: 1

Mast3r-Rainb0w [2021-04-12 22:49:13 +0000 UTC]

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