JoanCarrington14 — Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

#starwarstheriseofskywalker #finn #lightsaber #rey #starwars #starwarsfanart #bluelightsaber #bb8 #theforceawakens #starwarstheforceawakens #kyloren #poedameron #reyskywalker #reystarwars #rey_starwars #thelastjedi #starwarsthelastjedi
Published: 2024-05-12 00:05:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 2316; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description Perteneciente al inktober del 2019, se que tambien fue muy criticada en su momento, pero personalmente no me pareció tan mala, se que se criticó el regreso de palpatine (aunque en Legends tambien pasó) o el momento final con Kylo Ren y Rey, pero, me pareció un final aceptable, y se que los que son fans de las secuelas opinarán lo mismo

Belonging to the 2019 inktober, I know that it was also highly criticized at the time, but personally it didn't seem that bad to me, I know that Palpatine's return was criticized (although it also happened in Legends) or the final moment with Kylo Ren and Rey, but , I thought it was an acceptable ending, and I know that those who are fans of the sequels will think the same
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