kaliefursuitercreepy — G.G sin chaqueta y con chaqueta

#originalcharacter #creepypastaoc #fandomcharacter #creepypastaart #creepypastaoriginalcharacter
Published: 2024-02-04 02:15:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 474; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Rato que no dibujaba a este conchesumare 

ya lo aclare en un dibujo antiguo y lo vuelvo alcarar 

yo no tengo nada que ver con N*zi punk y Hate Punks 
mis ideales estan alejados de esas ideas y aparte de eso soy una tipa Lesbiana y tengo amigos Gays y de otras minorias, desde que estoy en el Punk mis ideales siempre han sido Antifacista y Antinazi 

G.G es un creepypasta que nacio como una burla hacia este tipo de punkis que existieron en el chile de la primera decada que usaban cosas de the exploited y andaban con las basuras de Legion38 o la Mierda Del Batallon Maipu

It's been a while since I drew this Mortherfucked

I already clarified it in an old drawing and I will highlight it again

I have nothing to do with N*zi punk and Hate Punks
My ideals are far from those ideas and apart from that I am a Lesbian and I have Gay friends and other minorities. Since I have been in Punk my ideals have always been Anti-Fascist and Anti-Nazi.

G.G is a creepypasta that was born as a mockery towards this type of punks that existed in Chile in the first decade who used things from the exploited and walked with the garbage of Legion38 or the Shit of the Batallon Maipu


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