Comments: 105
Ron747 [2019-04-25 03:37:09 +0000 UTC]
I'm betting you would do just fine in a fight against another woman. What might give you a little trouble is your soft belly. But as a man, I must admit your body is the type I love. And know that I'm not alone in this.
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HippyJon [2016-08-09 16:48:32 +0000 UTC]
I write here with a bit of anxiety, that I may cause offence, which is not intended, and I apologize if that is the case.
Your picture and words above made me reflect on my work. I write and illustrate girl fight stories, and try to make them more complex, more interesting, than simply 'girl hits girl in jaw' and so on. Whether I succeed is for others to decide. The one constant in my stories is the fights are always completely one-sided, and I try and emphasize the fear, as well as the the pain, of the losing girl as she's battered. I often concoct circumstances that make her unsure of herself before the fights begun, like she's frightened because she's never been in a fight before, or the circumstances are such that she's scantily clad while her opponent is attired in jeans and top. I want to explore the emotions of a fight, fear obviously being a significant one.
As you expressed apprehension about being attired scantily, it worries me you may take offence at what I've said, I do hope not.
So, if you're still reading this (hope so!) I've recently started creating fights where one girl is much bigger than her opponent, or there are several girls confronting one, so they are confident of an easy victory. Confident until their opponent demonstrates her devastating fighting skills, and leaves them battered and beaten.
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xenomorph2014 [2016-08-09 11:58:49 +0000 UTC]
Because we love you.😊❤️
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Labyssitory [2016-07-17 02:30:31 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad I tore through your gallery today like a complimentary tornado. I've just this minute cleared up my little "watching too many people" problem so now I can REALLY focus on just the artists I love.
I absolutely adore not just this picture, but your description. It kinda stopped me breathing for a moment there. - I may be easily touched but it's nothing frivolous. I've kinda had serious issues reguarding body image in the past that still to this day can stop me leaving the house. I've an image in my head of me that I hope one day to achieve, but it can be tough maintaining that optimism. I love your words here, because of course we love the sexiness, but it's also about being bold, assertive and portraying subjects with strength and with confidence.
As a guy with these issues, a lot of problems for me stems from being closet trans, which in turn explains why the female bodies I portray are so overblown because it's that overstating of what I wished I had. Ha, that's of course not why all guys portray female body parts so large, but it's certainly mine. - The sad irony is that what I love most about myself is my VOICE, so actually swapping genders would make me lose what I love most about myself, so I'm kinda stuck! - How cruel this world be!
But, with a little love and a lot of art from me and from others such as yourself, I can roll with the punches, just say "hey, sometimes life doesn't go your way", and find a way to be happy. - So cheers for that little description, the art, all the squishes, and I as always look forward to seeing more of your artwork.
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KatrinaMacbeth In reply to Labyssitory [2016-07-17 02:48:46 +0000 UTC]
it's easy to be nice here when everyone else is being nice... I promise I have my dark side which is not very pretty!!! BUt DA is certainly an escpae and happy place for me so.. it's usually going to be upbeat katty! USUALLY. LOL ANd you are radiant!!!
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Skaramine [2016-06-23 19:42:00 +0000 UTC]
Well, judging by this image, you are lovely!
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FollowTheRattlesnake [2016-06-15 16:00:36 +0000 UTC]
Body image aside, You don't have to be the strongest, you just have to be the smartest! Strength of body holds no sway over strength of mind.
Of course, keep in mind that this is a Georgia Tech grad saying this...
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Knight3000 [2016-05-22 21:27:39 +0000 UTC]
Always remember its your body and you shouldn`t feel bad on what other people say
As long as you feel good it doesn't matter at all what your body looks like.
Besides you look cute in this piece
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Polkatz [2016-04-13 07:55:55 +0000 UTC]
Silly huh?
We have a sélfimage that is largly dependent on how óther people see us.
Right?.. Wrong!
We have a sélfimage that is largly dependent on how we think óther people see us.
I had a colleague, shaped like a supermodel, rather expensivly and always sexy, júst not slutty dressed, make up 100% correct on her beautiful face. A stunner! Really.
She thought the world saw her as a beautyqueen, a woman of the world, a fasionista.
And she acted that way too.
What she failed to see, was that we (males and females) just saw a bitch with an awefull attitude. Leaving her work to others, never helping out, and always with that air of "you are lucky you may talk to me".
Aka her sélfimage; based on what she thóught we saw in her was (and probably is) totallly wrong.
I have a woman in my neighbourhood, who is just plain fat. And at all the wrong places.
She dresses in wide things, hardly uses make up, or does anything nice with her hair, and she basicly tries to go through life as "undercover", unseen as possible. Can't find the right english word, but "low profile" seems to come close.
She thinks the world sees an ugly uninteresting woman that nobody cares about.
And she acts like one too....
What she doesn't get is that the women don't give a damn about how she looks, and that a lot of men like big women.
But thats not the worse thing. Shé is the one that you can turn too if you need help.
Be it babysitting, or preparing a BBQ or whatever.
Her surrounding knows her as a warm personallity, and she has a pretty smile with lights in her eyes. I see her as a sexy heavyweight champ with massive hips and legs that make it impossible to knock her of her feet. And the pounds shé can put behind her punches... Mike Tyson, eat your heart out! I would lóve to see her in bikini, and yes I -eh- touch myself thinking of her in gloves, boxing another woman.
And no, I didn't tell her that.
Nobody talks negative about her behind her back, while she thínks that everybody does.
IF this woman would put on a tight shirt instead of her wide sweaters, put on a skirt instead of her baggy trousers, heels instead of sneakers, and would go to a real hairdresser... We wóuld talk about her, behind her back. And speaking for us men.. Nót negative at all, I can asure you.
Being sexy is done between the ears. But you know that already.
Commericial television tells you to get in shape first, and thán you can feel confident.
Right? Wrong! It doesn't work that way, and thats why they can come up with new programs, diets, fitness ironthings forever.
Why does that not work?
Because it is the other way around!
If you want to be sexy, ok so be it. Than act sexy, and you are. Its that simple.
The reactions you get áfter you started ácting sexy, will give you the confidence you are looking for. Disregard negative reactions (if any), and listen to the possitive ones.
And strangly that confidence might (if you still want that) give you the motivation to get in a better shape. And if not... who cares. You are already sexy.
Being sexy is not about how you look, but how you act. So it seems being sexy is a choise.
I say Go get them Tiger!
On the pic above: Not sexy.
Same pic, but in the textballoon: "Pfff. Háte bikinis! Rather fight topless!" Much better.
And if I am way out of line here: Just delete/hide this message.
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Polkatz In reply to KatrinaMacbeth [2016-04-14 08:15:43 +0000 UTC]
Thanks beautiful!
There is that point where we differ:
You say "I always listen to my inner voices a.s.o.
I say... Thats impossible! There is no innervoice. Well may be our conscience, our understanding of good and bad. But that has nothing to do with this.
This inner voice, is a voice from óutside. From other people. Its what you THINK other people see in you. I argue that you can not know that, ánd that your guess about what other people think of you is probably not true.
Besides that; society will make you fail every time. Thats just basic free-market capitalism.
You must fail always at everything and stay unhappy forever. Thats how the free world is organised.
That way you will feel the urge to work harder, make more money, compete with others, consume..
And all that labour ends up in the pockets of the 1% at the top. (or as I call it, the 1% at the other side of the skyhigh walll)
Its no use thinking about where you failed. It starts the day we are born, and stops when we are 6 feet under. Christians say that every human is a born sinner. Now try to ajust that!
No, its no use at all. Think about what you do right in life, that 'll teach them!
Love your battle with Sarah on Michelles page!
Kill her baby! Hammertime!
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Sacron22 [2016-04-08 15:44:07 +0000 UTC]
insightful self-analysis; kudos, few bother to look inside. btw, you look very desirable in this image; pretty eyes, hairs and sexy bely and navel
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Sacron22 In reply to KatrinaMacbeth [2016-09-15 23:23:12 +0000 UTC]
Which adds to your physical beauty.
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KatrinaMacbeth In reply to Sacron22 [2016-09-16 04:29:09 +0000 UTC]
I have a bit to much physical.... LOL
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Sacron22 In reply to KatrinaMacbeth [2016-09-16 23:12:39 +0000 UTC]
I'm smiling. Good line. And you modesty is affecting.
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Sacron22 In reply to KatrinaMacbeth [2016-09-17 19:18:37 +0000 UTC]
Me too. I try to joke around with folks wherever I am. Sometimes It encourages smiles, feels good.
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Murasame-san [2016-04-01 15:51:20 +0000 UTC]
why katty if you are just like your draws i think you are one of most beutifull womens ive see
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Charlierock2 In reply to KatrinaMacbeth [2016-03-27 05:51:54 +0000 UTC]
It is a version of Dungeons & Dragons. Role-playing around a table using dice.
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Davros77 [2016-03-21 21:01:41 +0000 UTC]
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Gonzoszoo13 [2016-03-21 16:55:44 +0000 UTC]
Must just be a thing to ask on here Katrina,
But the art your doings outstanding
Plus you could tell folks all sorts on here ha ha if you wanted to ?? 🤔
Keep up the amazing art
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KatrinaMacbeth In reply to RichelleW [2016-03-21 02:18:41 +0000 UTC]
it's not easy putting yourself out there... but you do the same thing SO YAY YOU!!! and SQUISHES!!
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Lamia-Moonwing [2016-03-20 10:55:57 +0000 UTC]
A lot of people are not doing it in bra and panty but only in sport outfit
And most are really kind and gentle, not looking for beat the crap out of each other
We all feel weird when we start to do well..weird stuff! But the strong and confident feeling you look for will come really fast if you ever try, belive me
Loosing or winning, the "FUCK YEAH I DID IT!" is more than enough for gain self confidance
Really nice post by the way , but the main answer could be i don't want to and that can be enough i think, a no is a no
(despite of all my reply for the yes )
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