KatyCrayon — Promotional Art: Heian Lady

Published: 2011-05-04 14:39:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1437; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 21
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Description My friend has a kimono/Japanese collectibles business, and I've been doing promotional art for her to use at conventions. This piece features a Heian era noblewoman. The heian era lasted from the late 700s to 1185 AD. The court was more decadent than the court of Henry VIII of England, and the women were highly educated. In fact, the world's first novel was written by a Heian noblewoman named Murasaki Shikibu. These woman wore a costume caleld juni hitoe, litterally "12 unlined robes".

Prisma markers on illustration board.

My friend's website: [link]

© Karine C. 2011. Please do not use without permission.
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