KejaBlank — Skaris Elvalur

#cat #characterdesign #digitalpainting #dndcharacter #elf #halfelf #illustration #love #nature #oc #tiefling #kejablank
Published: 2023-04-17 10:11:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 4127; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 0
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Description Here a few lines more about my OC.

Usually I create characters or sympathy figures for other people, customers or institutions, but this time it is my own one. I never did before, so it's new territory to me.

His name ist Skaris Elvalur, a Half-elf Tiefling with a slight touch of a faun: a true hybrid XD
He is a wandering nomad, close to nature and not only loves the music of nature, but also plays the lute himself. Deeply connected to the nature spirits, he wanders his way through life. As a pupil of the traveling people he has learned to survive, he is tolerated by purebreds, but remains a stranger among them. His tent is the forest, his friends are the inhabitants and his soul is the music. He suspects that the connection to the nature spirits is more than he can imagine, but it still remains inaccessible to him. A heritage buried deep within him and a secret gift that eventually would change his life.

More of him soon I'm sure!!

© 2023 Copyright by Keja Blank. All rights reserved.
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sakuracoco-7 [2023-04-18 09:29:50 +0000 UTC]

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