Kewiigamer — Zynax Havestman - Mob

#series #spider #steampunk #zynax #havestman #dreamingsky #dreamingskies #daddylonglegs #insectoid
Published: 2018-03-27 19:19:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 205; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description This is part of the Dreaming Skies drawing series.

Havestmen are the farm hands of the Zynax, With their beard of spider legs and long limbs they may appear creepy, but they avoid combat whenever possible, but if attacked they will use their farming equipment and may slice their own poison sacks to coat their blades in the deadly poison.

Mob - Zynax Soldier

Dreaming Skies Gallery and introduction: kewiigamer.deviantart.com/gall…
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