kingofthedededes73 — The Kyunni cousins

Published: 2013-07-14 20:41:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 928; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 4
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Description Aileen: oh hello, Master Zhao asked me tohelp inform you all a little more about kyunnis
Kyunni: kyuuuuuuuuuniiii
Aileen: well y-yea, due to the popularity of the kyunni as of late, this lil lesson is to teach you all about their closer relatives. Currently, there are only 2 other species in the Kyunni family line. which they are.. all here
Kyunni: *rubbs up against Aileen's legs*
Snow Kyunni: nii nii
Okayunni: ruff
Aileen: *picks up the snow kyunni* the first is more a subspecies of kyunni, its called a Kyyuki, or better called a Snow Kyunni. these kyunni are much smaller,growing only 1 and a half feet long and only about 10 inches in height. They, as their name implies, live on Altonria's polar reigons as well as the colder higher up floating isles. They're very fluffy and softer than an artic fox, you know the ones from your world. But Snow Kyunni are ambush predators, they often bury themselves in snow and wait for small prey to pass by, then use their 10 tentahairs to catch prey. Sad to say, they do not know what they catch so they attack anything they sense above. this also cause occasional kyunnis getting stepped on. poor things. They're the closest relatives to the common kyunni, but aren't kept as pets that often because they're harder to keep, overheat easily, and due to being covered in snow a lot.... have a horrid wet dog smell. eew
Snow kyunni: niiii -.- *squirms in her arms and tries to rub its scent on her dress as revenge for what she just said*
Aileen: eee! hey *puts the snow kyunni down*
Kyunni: kyuuu kyuuu *wants to be held*
Aileen: okay i think you know a bit about Kyunni, about 4 feet long, 2 feet high. make somewhat good pets, pack hunters and very michievious, will play with their food or anything they feel looks like it, obviously this one is still a small one, just a lil bigger than the snow at the moment.
Kyunni: *not being picked up, it moves on the pawing at Aileen's foot*
Aileen: nyaaaa, s-stop that! they also have a weird facination with stealing shoes. Q-quit it! *bumps into the okayunni*
Okayunni: rrrrruuu
Aileen: *scratches it on the head* and the largest of the family has to be the Okayunni, up to 4 feet high and 7 feet long, they're probably larger than wolves. but unlike the other two tentacled foxes, Okayunni split from the other kynni lines much longer ago than snows. So they only have 4 tentahairs. They live on the lowlands, the isles that float low to the original ground of my world (its a planet filled with chunks that floated from the main crust, very little of it remains, all that's lefft are spires and a hot ocean) Okas like the warmer low climate and are solo hunters, or in pairs. their hairs have quills at the end, unlike the kyunni;s sticky ends and the snow's pain, Okayunni are one you hope wont try and poke you with those! and speaking of which, knock that off *bends down and tries to shoo away the kyunni, who is trying to pull one of her shoes off*
Okayunni: *pushes Aileen down with its muzzle*
Aileen: KYAH! *falls down*
kyunni trio: Kyuuuuuu (nyuuuuu)(yuuuuuuu) *knocks off her shoes and begin to lick and tickle her, oka using its tentahairs on her sides and the snow and normal kyunni tickling her feet*
Aileen: hey hey hahahahhahahahah stop that nooooooo noahahahhahaohaahoohahao plehehehehse stop tickling mehehehe ow! those quills stahahahahap
Kyunni: kyu kyuuu

Yea just alil story to give something for this pic. so anyways comment and enjoy
Aileen and kyunni family belongs to me, and only with special permission may you use em in a pic
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Comments: 8

AnglosFerdnay [2013-07-15 20:39:19 +0000 UTC]

Awww cute how shes holding the cuddly fox : )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kingofthedededes73 In reply to AnglosFerdnay [2013-07-15 20:41:03 +0000 UTC]

thanks, also for favs

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnglosFerdnay In reply to kingofthedededes73 [2013-07-15 21:26:17 +0000 UTC]

: )

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kingofthedededes73 In reply to AnglosFerdnay [2013-07-15 21:28:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

000SkyArrow000 [2013-07-15 03:41:29 +0000 UTC]

so cute....^^

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kingofthedededes73 In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2013-07-15 14:13:06 +0000 UTC]

thanks also for fav

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to kingofthedededes73 [2013-07-21 20:45:30 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome....^^

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kingofthedededes73 In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2013-07-21 20:46:37 +0000 UTC]


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