KiteBoy1 — Fakemon Razormite

#crunchbird #fakemon #pokemon #pokemonoc
Published: 2020-07-13 00:30:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 505; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description This is Razormite. Razormite is a razor scratch cat type Fakemon (Pokemon). It's razor-sharp claws, saber teeth, and circular saw on its tail can shred any object into small fragments. Razormite is also extremely obedient to commands. Which reminds me of a funny story.

A lady went to the Pokémon supply and pet store. She was going to Find a Pokémon or her husband's collection. The owner of the store came to assist her selection.
"May I help you with choosing a Pokémon? " Asked the shop owner. "I'm trying to find a Pokémon or my husbands collection. " said the lady.
"How about a Growlith, a Skitty, or a Meyowth?" Asked the storekeeper. The lady thought for a minute until another creature caught her eye.
"Wow! What is the world is that?" Asked the lady.  The storekeeper released the creature from its pokeball "This Pokemon is called Razormite. It can be very docile and it's extremely obedient and very dangerous. " Said the storekeeper. The storekeeper set out an old chair he was about to dispose of. He commanded Razormite.
"Razormite, Razormite the chair! " And under a few seconds the chair was reduced to sawdust. The lady's eyes bug out in awe. "I can't you leave this" she said. So, she tried to command Razormite. The storekeeper handed the lady the pokeball. "Razormite, Razormite this newspaper!" The lady demanded Razormite.
The newspaper was reduced to confetti in no time at all. The lady returned the pokeball to the storekeeper. And she gave some thought. "I think I'll take the Growlith"
said the lady. "Are you sure?" asked the storekeeper. And the lady said "I think it's safer to take my husband the Growlith." She whispered to the shopkeeper,"I'm afraid if I take Razormite home, my husband come home drunk and cranky and say 'Razormite, Razormite my foot!' "
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