KiwiSkunkz — Bounty Hunters

Published: 2015-02-09 00:10:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 148; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Pilot Jones
Speices: Cat (has mouse ears tho)
Age: 19
Likes: exploring, the sky, chillaxen', and treasure.
dislikes: heights, hard work, and veggies.
Weapon: machete
other stuff:  She always wanted to fly, but she's to scared of heights to try,
so she just wears her goggles and imagines that she does. 
Pilot is a Bounty Hunter, and works with her partner, Kilo Yan.

Name: Kilo Yan
Speices: shiba inu
Age: 25
Likes: Tea, Pilot, helping others, and exploring
dislikes: Technology (he’s bad with it), and the dark
Weapon: staff
other stuff:  He is Pilots partner in the business of bounty hunting.  He specializes in staff fighting.Has a thing for Pilot, but Pilot doesn’t catch on. 

Base used:
Male and Female base-Sonic by SapphireD
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