Kmadden2004 — The Dark Knight Trilogy (Remastered)

#batman #darkknight #dccomics
Published: 2018-10-27 03:49:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 1290; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 0
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Description Time-lapse demonstration available to watch here: youtu.be/AdWh4PVnIn8

This was a piece I originally uploaded back in 2012 and while I've always been generally happy with the layout, I have grown increasingly unhappy with my technique at the time, so I decided to take another shot at it.

I was originally intending to just re-colour the original line art, but upon closer inspection it became obvious that the sketch needed some refining (and four of the portraits needed re-drawing altogether). It's still not perfect, I had to cut my losses in a few areas because my elderly computer was screaming at me to stop toward the end, but it still looks a helluva lot better than it did before.

For the sake of posterity (and posterior... since it looks like ass), you can view the original version here: fav.me/d5mp5ra
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