kosmonauttihai β€” Somewhat less terrible Terribleclaw

#deinonychus #dinosaur #dromaeosaurid #feathereddinosaur #jurassicworld #jurassicworldevolution
Published: 2019-06-02 19:13:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 11826; Favourites: 303; Downloads: 18
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Description I had fun giving feather makeovers to the JP/W Troodons , so I figured I'd give one of the other raptors from the franchise the same courtesy. All in all JP/W has been quite unfair to Deinonychus antirrhopus, the raptor its "Velociraptors" are actually based on, and which to differentiate it from these now more pop-culture-famous Velociraptors Jurassic World Evolution made even more lizard-like.

The JWE Deino's design is pretty cute, but it's... definitely not a Deinonychus. I feel like that design could have worked better saved for a hybrid, since JWE includes quite a few of those and raptors are a popular ingredient. A Velociraptor-Dilophosaurus hybrid, perhaps? It looks enough like it could be a combination of JP/W's versions of those.

To differentiate Deinonychus from its retrosaur version, it seems like an obvious solution to just make it look like the actual animal, as science has now passed once-considered-almost-accurate JP Velociraptors by and they barely look any more Deinonychus-y, either. I don't know what the people complaining about feathered dinosaurs not being scary are talking about, the idea of feathered dinosaurs sure seems to scare the stuffing out of them and anyone desperate to keep these people as paying customers for their dinosaur media.

I only used reference for the colouring (which is based on JWE's vivid pattern because I find it the most visually interesting one), so I'm sure there are anatomical mistakes in this (I think I made the wings too small, for one). But hopefully it gets the concept across. Even with those mistakes, I would love to have this thing prancing around in my dinosaurpark game alongside the relics from the 90's - which are dear to my heart as well, as may be apparent from the amount of JP/W raptors I draw, but relics from a childhood the original movie played a big part in is what they are.

Originally posted to my sketchblog , but I figure this is non-sketchy enough to post here, too.

Patreon/sketchblog - index of my JP/W fanart and other dinosaur art - blog where I occasionally post thoughts about JP/W raptors

Please don't repost my art without my permission.

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Comments: 24

Aspens5Stars [2019-06-27 01:47:38 +0000 UTC]

nice mohawk B)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

kosmonauttihai In reply to Aspens5Stars [2019-06-28 07:42:40 +0000 UTC]

Fluffy and stylish.

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Celadoria [2019-06-03 17:45:34 +0000 UTC]

I like this version so much better than JWEs ;w; I got so excited when I saw that Deinonychus was in the game because it gets overlooked all the time and then when I saw it I was really disappointed. It doesn't look like a Deinonychus at all (it doesn't even look like a non-feathered Deinonychus). The Vivid pattern was my favourite too, I used it all the time It would have been really cool for them to put feathered dinosaurs in as well for the reasons you've mentioned. Like, I want the lizard-y ones because they're my childhood. But it would be cool to see the more scientifically accurate ones too (and also educational!). What do you think of the game? I personally loved it (though my goodness, those tornados. >:I ) I haven't played the expansion yet but it's next on my list and looks fun too!

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kosmonauttihai In reply to Celadoria [2019-07-05 06:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh hey, have you heard of this game ?

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kosmonauttihai In reply to Celadoria [2019-06-04 14:47:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Yeah, it was a pretty weird decision, the design they went with basically has nothing to do with the animal it's supposed to be anymore besides the eponymous sickle claw. I mean even without feathers the original movie went out of its way to point out birds probably being descended from dinosaurs and portraying its dinos as significantly less lizardy than what was still popular at the time, so it's... not exactly in the same spirit. And you're right, it's a big missed opportunity to be educational, with some of the advisors pointing out how their original clones differ from these more accurate ones they're able to make now (of a lot of different species - make it another DLC or something I guess). I'm sure they could have come up with a way for it to work with established canon, where those original clones were once treated as accurate.

The game does look fun despite everything. I haven't gotten to play it yet because I can't afford a computer right now that can run it, but I'd like to eventually. The only thing I'm iffy about really is how much the campaign forces you to deliberately make the dinosaurs uncomfortable for whatever shady reason. It is Jurassic World, and the park in the movie was pretty questionable, too, but I'm still not going to like that part. I just want to take care of them and watch them be happy. And probably name my T. rexes after flowers or something.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Celadoria In reply to kosmonauttihai [2019-07-18 13:28:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh mannn I really hated making the dinosaurs fight!! If I ever got asked to do that for like a mini-challenge I would decline it and wait for a new one. Some of the trophies (which I personally love to collect for the added challenge) require you to have to make them fight and then take a photo. That was really horrible to do. I was ready to get them sedated and healed asap afterwards! And then you can upgrade a dinosaur's 'reputation' by making it fight and kill loads of dinosaurs, and then more people would come to the park to see them. I hated that as well, so never bothered ever doing anything about dino reputations. I know it's not real but I feel like it's a bit close to the bone considering animals are still made to fight illegally today :IΒ 

I haven't heard of that game, it looks so adorable!! Look at Deinonychus, getting its own game and everything, going up in the world! (Ps. Sorry for my tragic reply speed, I always love reading your replies (pretty much immediately haha) but my silly phone won't let me reply from the app unless I'm connected to WiFi, so I have to use my Laptop most of the time and I hardly ever get time for my Laptop anymore ;w; )

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

kosmonauttihai In reply to Celadoria [2019-07-19 17:10:23 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to know there's the option of declining the animal abuse challenges. Yeah, I feel the same way about it, I know those dinosaurs are just a bunch of pixels but watching animals suffer isn't fun. I think the Jurassic World movie did a mostly decent job at presenting the park's treatment of its animals as not ideal, but I don't know how clear the game is about the mistreatment being mistreatment, and I guess I am a bit wary of how trivializing or normalizing it may be about it. There's still plenty of bad animal "rescues" and such around that get away with being basically some rich person's private collection of exotic pets that they may or may not bother to take proper care of, generating "cute" pictures or videos of animals that most of their audience won't recognize as mistreated. And many people still conflate those places with legitimate zoos and think wild animals in captivity is always automatically bad. Jurassic World has potential to be helpful in that as a media depiction, I guess, but I feel like the idea of the park being actually bad at being a zoo is probably too tempting to sweep under the rug of what's more profitable. Which is chaos theory pretty ironic. And why criticisms of capitalism that are designed to make lots of money are not going to ever be effective criticisms, lol.

(No problem, your comments are worth waiting for.)

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Celadoria In reply to kosmonauttihai [2019-08-03 18:13:15 +0000 UTC]

I declined as much as possible, it’s just not nice to think about even if they aren’t real in this instance! Animal cruelty is my biggest red button :I I think it definitely rewards mistreatment in that some challenges force you to overcrowd pens/make animals fight for crowd entertainment or deliberately break them from their pens to then panic and be tranquillised. You can turn down most optional challenges but some are story related and have to be done :/

Eurgh I know! That’s just awful. And yes I agree, I think if zoos are done β€œright”, they’re brilliant for conserving species that we’re destroying in the wild. Ironic in a way!

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Evodolka [2019-06-02 23:24:28 +0000 UTC]

you mean a flat out better deinonychus
no shark fins included

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kosmonauttihai In reply to Evodolka [2019-06-03 05:57:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

The thing on the head reminds me of cassowaries, but if it's meant to be the same kind it seems weird to give it to Deinonychus, when I'm pretty sure we know Deinonychus didn't have one. But I think the fin things work as a feather crest and a tail fan.

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Evodolka In reply to kosmonauttihai [2019-06-03 10:11:01 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

it is like they had a feather design ready but someone went "keep the shape and make it scaly"

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IndoraptorOrionfan19 [2019-06-02 23:05:50 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I gotta admit, JWE Deinonychus looks weird and it's not my cup of tea.Β 

Still, great work

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kosmonauttihai In reply to IndoraptorOrionfan19 [2019-06-03 05:48:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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IndoraptorOrionfan19 In reply to kosmonauttihai [2019-06-03 11:42:25 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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Archanubis [2019-06-02 22:59:14 +0000 UTC]

Awww, it looks so cute!

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kosmonauttihai In reply to Archanubis [2019-06-03 05:38:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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LunarEclipse42107 [2019-06-02 20:43:29 +0000 UTC]

looks amazing!

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kosmonauttihai In reply to LunarEclipse42107 [2019-06-02 21:06:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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LunarEclipse42107 In reply to kosmonauttihai [2019-06-02 21:48:49 +0000 UTC]


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DinoRoy39 [2019-06-02 20:18:54 +0000 UTC]

Now this is what the JW:E Deinon should have looked like XD

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kosmonauttihai In reply to DinoRoy39 [2019-06-02 20:26:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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DinoRoy39 In reply to kosmonauttihai [2019-06-02 22:06:18 +0000 UTC]

It's so floofy, have you seen the Jurassic World: Alive Pyroraptor?

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kosmonauttihai In reply to DinoRoy39 [2019-06-03 06:05:07 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it looks pretty nice. I'm not sure why JW gave raptors feathers in one game and then didn't in other media... other than for fear of losing business of people afraid of their scary lizards actually being birds, I guess. Jurassic Park already had mostly feathered Velociraptors with wings in one comic at least.

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DinoRoy39 In reply to kosmonauttihai [2019-06-03 07:28:26 +0000 UTC]

Yep, now THAT comic was very surprising

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