KristinaWaldt — The Same

#fortune #1plus3 #splitpersonality
Published: 2015-02-02 06:13:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 713; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 1
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Description EDIT (24.02.2015): I finally gotta round to fix some things that were annoying me--in case that you liked the old versions more, you can still find them at the bottom of the description.

I just love painting Fortune~

Some of you might remember this piece, the personage is the same:

I'm a bit sorry about the art spam today, I just found this old, ugly sketch and decided to get it out of my "to draw" folder:
Wanted to share it since the quality of it makes me laugh. :'D (I wanted to scrap this piece so often because of this.)

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- KW

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