kujo — Mecha design for ATC Raycrash

Published: 2006-06-12 00:11:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 3635; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 46
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Description Just been getting hooked on this game called ATC online (or Raycrash) from the Pacific Asian Gaming Network..

Their developement team works closely with the testing community, so I figured "what the hey" and drew up a design for a new mecha for the game.

Given that it is a mecha-oriented fighting game where speed and power are huge tradeoffs with armor and such, this particular design is inspired by the samurai of old, with their hakama pants and katanas...

Except this one's "hakama pants" hold booster engines, and the katana is 30 ft long

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Comments: 1

ValkyrieIzaak [2006-10-26 07:43:28 +0000 UTC]

This game has been out since 2003 and they STILL hadn't added an Alicia bot. Now, well, its F2P, which redeems the lazy developers somehow.

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