Lady-Bluestreak — Aqua Planet Zone redrawn. by-nc-nd

#sega #aquaplanet #gamegear #genesis #mastersystem #megadrive #milestailsprower #sonicandtails #sonicthehedgehog #tails #sonicchaos
Published: 2017-05-20 03:24:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 5665; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 15
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Description Suppose that Sonic 2: Advanced Edit became a straight-up 16-bit remake of Sonic Chaos, versus being heavily inspired by it. Suppose the graphics were actually redone, versus basically being mostly unchanged from Sonic Chaos. This is made to take advantage of the Genesis' colour palette, which the original Advanced Edit version was not. The palette is based on Sonic Classic by Hez. Sprites are from my Sonic 4-ish sprite sheet. HUD numbers are from Sonic Chaos. The weird pipe things and most blocks were redrawn, as were those columns. Makes me wish the Game Gear could do more colours onscreen, because it would have looked neat this way.
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