ladyblackbird13 β€” Hermes

#hermes #greekmythology
Published: 2020-08-02 20:01:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 327; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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My new design for Hermes, messenger of the Olympians, and god of animal husbandry, heralds & messengers, trade & merchants, thieves & trickery, language & wiles, roads & hospitality, feasts & banquets, protection of the home, guard dogs, sleep & guiding the death, rustic omens and divination, gymnasiums & games, astronomy & the calendar.

I suspect, that he has to many jobs, because Zeus wants to keep him from wreaking too much mischief, lmao.

It isn’t much different from my old design, except that I made his hair sparkly (like with stars, because his mother is a Pleiad), his eyes are green now and he looks a lot more feminine now, but who cares. XD

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Comments: 2

A-gnosis [2020-08-02 20:26:18 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

ladyblackbird13 In reply to A-gnosis [2020-08-02 20:53:52 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0