LadyIcepaw — The Journey - #01

#fairytale #mermaid #ocean #water #hanschristianandersen #thelittlemermaid
Published: 2016-11-16 20:53:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 400; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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Description This is based on a scene from "The little Mermaid", a fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen. I'm planning to create more illustrations of other fairytales - Already got a list of sceneries that I want to paint.

What I find interesting about fairytales is that they always convey ethical values of some sort, and it's fascinating to think about whether you agree with them or not.

The other parts of the journey:
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Comments: 4

JetMalek [2016-11-17 02:01:27 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this piece~

I read some of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid, & am so amazed by your choice of colors here based on reading the text. *v* You just saw & depicted the ultimate beauty from this scene...!!

While reading the text, I went looking for what you commented: "What I find interesting about fairytales is that they always convey ethical values of some sort, and it's fascinating to think about whether you agree with them or not." Unfortunately, I may have only seen an 'obvious' one from the story... Would you mind sharing your thoughts?

Besides looking for ethical values, I also paid attention to the descriptions of scenery, etc-- & especially noticed how much *love* was put into describing the natural world. I respect that a lot!!

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LadyIcepaw In reply to JetMalek [2016-11-17 12:24:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, that's what I love the most about Andersen's writing style! He describes the sceneries in such a beautiful and atmospheric way.
When it comes to values... it's not easy for me to write this in English, but I'll try XD
I always find it pretty striking that female devotion plays an important role, or the idea of self-sacrifice in general. Faith and belief are common subjects too, of course. And what I like especially about the Little Mermaid is the concept that, if you really love and care about someone, you try to do what's best for them, not what's best for yourself. The basic idea that your good actions will come back to you sooner or later is beautiful as well.  
Something that bothered me when I read some of these old fairytales were the gender stereotypes and stuff like "lower class people shouldn't try to climb the social ladder". These views probably made sense at the time these texts were written, but today they are mostly outdated. It's interesting to see how society has changed, though.

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JetMalek In reply to LadyIcepaw [2016-11-18 00:47:15 +0000 UTC]

Ohh! Thank you for this!!

I'm so grateful for your reply. ^_^ You shared the words, "female devotion," "self-sacrifice," "faith and belief," and you also wrote, "the concept that, if you really love and care about someone, you try to do what's best for them, not what's best for yourself. The basic idea that your good actions will come back to you sooner or later is beautiful as well." Ahh, this meant a lot to me!!!

Thank you again for writing this!! All I had seen was the 'obvious' one of a woman caring about a man without caring about anything else in her life-- but I believed there was more, and now I'm so glad that I could read your reply. Really, thank you so much!

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LadyIcepaw In reply to JetMalek [2016-11-18 07:49:08 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

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