One of the best things about my current process of digital painting is that it's light and natural enough so that when random inspiration hits me I can actually sit down and put together something decent within a small and reasonable amount of time, without the struggle that digital art used to entail. This means more art for you to see, but more importantly it means that I can do art when I need it, without the offputting struggle that for so long made me neglect that need.
In few words: art is more natural now.
So I wanted to paint a fox. I love foxes, I adore them, and I marvel the many colorations they have. That said, this is once again the regular red fox because there was this photo that just captivated me. I was looking up the different color variants when I came across it.... and I felt like painting. So that's all there is to it really - just a cozy little painting inspired by a cozy little photo everyone must have seen at one time or another on the internet, and a cozy little fox sleeping in a cozy little patch of sunlight. Idyll. I hope you enjoy. Also, the title is random and a bit meh.... but I still hope you enjoy.
I am considering making the process of this cozy little painting into a tutorial.
You can let me know if you would be interested in that.
Rebelle 5 with Wacom Intuos4.
Original size: 3429 x 2251 px
Art painted by hand.
Tutorial based on this painting:
Featuring some Featured Deviations. 5/3/24