Lathrine — Heir Apparent

Published: 2011-10-19 02:55:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 153; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description You have the most noble blood possible, the only of your kind known to possess it, and the only to share it with GL’BGOLYB, a deep sea monster also known as THE RIFT’S CARBUNCLE, EMISSARY TO THE HORRORTERRORS, or in more hushed tones, SPEAKER OF THE VAST GLUB.

You would also look forward to using your reign to UNITE THE TWO RACES. You were told you would do this one day by your lusus, even if it does contradict her message of extinction. Oh well, you suppose NOT ALL PROPHECIES CAN COME TRUE.

This is what happens when I'm lazy as hell and want to draw trolls. Namely, one of my patron trolls. You get bad anatomy, crazy backgrounds, and weird lines. BUT THAT WAS FUN SO I DON'T CARE.
At least Gimp, my tablet and I are all on speaking terms again.

Fef <3
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