Comments: 15
A3Kitsune [2014-12-26 04:42:58 +0000 UTC]
Merry Christmas.
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TaiOshiro [2014-12-26 00:03:23 +0000 UTC]
OMG I LOVE IT. Even if this was secret santa, I want to draw a response to this sometime. XD omg. I'm giggling nonstop.
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LenaMoongrove In reply to TaiOshiro [2014-12-26 00:28:16 +0000 UTC]
haha after i saw your request for a tea party i started to read his entire background and i couldnt stop laughing
The oppertunity was so perfect xD Lunes is all for (foolish and proberly wrong) adventures so the wild ideas of half drunk crazy alchemist are really her cup o tea
goshhh i had so much fun with this! Im so happy you like it <3
His design really is awesome QnQ I should also try my hand at his present form some day haha
AND OMG id love to see a silly response to this!
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TaiOshiro In reply to LenaMoongrove [2014-12-26 00:49:33 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad you like his design QwQ I may revamp it a bit, make his hair a little more... understandable? XD I might also tweak the color for his present form, I need to look at Midna for how she looks after she's exposed to light. > >
I could see them getting drunk and laughing their butts off, red faced and tipsy and falling over each other, while Matias's lovely assistant Amerghin (ToxicCreed 's character) watches them like , knowing he's going to need to clean up the mess.
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LenaMoongrove In reply to TaiOshiro [2014-12-26 01:02:43 +0000 UTC]
My guess was that she just inverted? black to white etc. but thinking of it that wasn't exactly the case...
So confusing. I really enjoy the idea for a flawed character, those are the most interesting haha
Oh gosh i feel so bad for poor Amerghin now! but i guess he is used to it tho haha
I figure that by the end of the night they have conjured up this incredibly far fetched stupid idea/plan that is doomed to fail from the beginning before actually trying to set out and realize it what will result in one of them getting hurt/in trouble xD
And amerghin is just trying to stop them like a babysitter hihi
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TaiOshiro In reply to LenaMoongrove [2014-12-26 01:18:58 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, her colors were inverted, but certain things were the same, like her eyes (possibly a limitation), and maybe her hair. I had his eye change, but his hair I may keep at its original color, or maybe just have it turn a pale pampas grass color as opposed to blue. I think the blue contrasts a bit too much with his markings and such, but I may play around with it to see what I like more.
Yeah, poor Amerghin is used to it. XD Chain-smoking drunkard Matias tends to get into a lot of trouble. > > Toxic and I do a lot of out-there rps, serious and otherwise, so Matias has likely seen his share of trouble, I need to write a full serious story for them someday.
...omg, I have a mental image of the two of them trying to hatch an overly complicated plan to get... I dunno... a jar of cookies... and it fails spectacularly and Amerghin is standing over them sitting like scolded children while Amer is going "No. D< Bad."
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LenaMoongrove In reply to TaiOshiro [2014-12-27 14:28:03 +0000 UTC]
i thought her hair went (light) blue? and her markings this deeper blue instead of the greenish/blueish hue that seemed to shed light
But then again she DID get attacked by a spirit of light, wouldn't they do more damage than normal exposure?
OCs are always subject to change, i find it hard to keep mine exactly the same for more then 6 months haha
Ohw RPs its been a long time since i had time for those haha
Rockheart and i always RPd stupid stuff like homestuck or werewolves, which was awesome because well if you RP with friends it always turns out to be fun.
Im sad i do not have that much time for it anymore :<
And i would like to read that lol
With them sitting between the shards of an utterly destroyed cookie jar haha
No cookies for you, go to bed D:<
b-but QnQ cookies...
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TaiOshiro In reply to LenaMoongrove [2014-12-27 14:46:02 +0000 UTC]
I had thought so, but every time I look at screenshots, it keeps looking like her hair went pale, so it's hard to say. And I never really saw it as her being attacked per se, but rather Zant lifting Lanayru out of the water to forcibly expose her to its (albeit divine) light. The spirit's light likely did more damage to her since it is a diving being, but before you meet Zelda, she does always hide in Link's shadow, and she never physically manifests in the light world until after the second encounter with Zelda, where she's protected and healed by the power of the gods. So I always took that as the Twili being unable to enter the world of light normally because A) they were banished because of their actions waaaaaaaay back when, and B) even without factoring the banishment in, their bodies would be so used to the perpetual twilight that being in full sunlight would severely burn them or possibly provoke an allergic reaction.
I think too much.
RPs I don't typically have much time for, I usually only rp with my roommate Toxic, since she and I are in the same room, and we can easily go off and do other things and hang out and not feel like we're being left hanging with nothing to do. |D I wish, someday, to be able to join or create a LoZ rp group, but that's some ways in the future I think, I don't know if I'll have the time, between work and eventually (I hope) school.
I need to draw that sometime XD A future collaborative effort perhaps, if you are interested, or maybe a trade since your page says collabs aren't your thing. Or maybe just a gift for you, either way, I'ma draw it. I just want my shoulder to stop hurting so I can get back to drawing D| I have a backlog of christmas stuff to do.
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LenaMoongrove In reply to TaiOshiro [2014-12-28 00:37:08 +0000 UTC]
Its a whiteish blue on my screen? Maybe it depends on WII vs whatever other console. I wouldnt know
Okay so i figure Lanayru wouldnt deliberately hurt/attack midna because she knows better.
I always figured that zant kept lanayru at bay while he stole the fused shadows and trapped midna then he released his hold on the spirit. Lanayru, outraged and under the impression a threat from the shadows was lingering in the cave, came blasting in to purge whatever tried to control her. Her brilliant and heavenly light was to destroy all shadow, since the twili and their shadow are/were criminals and not a friendly force to hyrule.
Or something. I never really understood how it didnt hurt zant in the slightest. If its just exposure to light that nearly became her death shouldnt zant be affected too? + lanaryu her light all flows into midna. Its focused.
I don't even know if zant would have the power to CONTROL one of the spirits of light and use it to form an attack.
Maybe lanayru just sensed the evil and since midna her power of shadow is greater than that of zant (zant his power is that of the triforce, loaned from ganondorf, and that of midna is that of the Twilight Princess but trapped in a form she cannot use any with) decided she was the traget. Zant knew everything all along and just placed midna in front of him as a shield.
theories theories. I also think too much. Ferra once wrote a journal about the twili being not so magical at all and it was quite good as well. Its nearly a headcanon of mine, its mostly just in the back of my head annoying me lol
I agree that light of all sorts hurt the twili. Maybe because of what they became and maybe because dwelling in darkness makes every light blindingly harsh. I also like that since it really gives the race some things to think about.
ugh don't you hate it when even rping with friends is impossible? Honestly i try but i only get my friends mad because they have to wait for my reply. It not even worth it anymore :<
I tried joining RP groups but i cannot gurentee participation so most of them wont even let me in haha
And yesss an art trade sounds awesome <33
Im up for that once i got that monsterous list of things to do down haha sooo many drawwings xD
Collaborations always end in a bunch of stress :< I decided to quit them once and for all. Its hard to work with others their ideas about layer use, tool use, lineart layers, anatomy etc. etc.
I get really frustrated 50% of the time and the other 50% im sooo worried that i mess it up and ruin it for my partner that im just trying not to cry.
I hope your shoulder gets better D:
soo sorry for the novel...not really tho
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TaiOshiro In reply to LenaMoongrove [2014-12-28 01:23:03 +0000 UTC]
Well it's not that I thought that Zant controlled Lanayru to force an attack, but pulled Lanayru out of the water and held her like he did Midna. And it was just the light itself that did the damage (like I mentioned with Midna avoiding sunlight). But as for how Zant isn't damaged, he's covered head to toe. Full length clothes that even hide his hands, a large mask that hides his face, etc. That's always what I figured.
Theories are fuuuuun.
That sounds interesting actually, the Twili not being so magical at all. I think the main reason I see them as such is that their magic and their use of it is what got them banished... hmmmmmm so many fun ideas to be had. I actually need to sit down and write my own stuff out so I stop confusing myself at times. |D;
Yeah, I do hate it, it sucks. :\ I like rping a lot, but then stuff gets in the way like work or depression. D| It makes it all worth it when we actually get to do it though. So much fun and craziness X3
Lol it's okay, I can understand the stress of collaborations. Usually how it goes with me is I tend to do the sketch and lineart and the other person colors, or they do a base sketch and I use that to draw it (which usually has me drawing it in my style but I try to blend it how I can) before I ink it. Buuuut it's usually because I dun color much or well. |D I'm pretty chill about it though, I like collaborating and I want my partner to be happy. But if trades are better for you then maybe we can do that in the future. It sounds like we both have a backlog so it may be some time. XD
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bornthiswayfox [2014-12-25 19:50:18 +0000 UTC]
very nice, i like it.
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sugar-skull-demon [2014-12-25 19:39:47 +0000 UTC]
damn your style, it keeps becoming better and cooler! O:
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baileycasad [2014-12-25 17:39:33 +0000 UTC]
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