Comments: 78
LindArtz In reply to ??? [2023-05-13 23:02:01 +0000 UTC]
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LindArtz In reply to Loffy0 [2015-10-10 18:14:40 +0000 UTC]
Weird, why? Nothing weird (or unmanly) about feelings. (especially your own). Communication - is the key to happiness!
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LindArtz In reply to Loffy0 [2015-10-19 18:55:40 +0000 UTC]
And writing. Is what makes us good with communicating. You can look at what you wrote a million times, going back to edit things, etc - all the while - LEARNING things about your self (when reading it back) while learning to be a better communicator. Be completely truthful in what you write though in order for it to work.
I began writing at the age of 12 - out of sheer frustration, i.e. I had moved away from my friends who I adored, didn't care for the new ones much, and that kind of thing.
I didn't hit me until years later, going through my book (I kept them in a notebook), just how much I'd grown - and learned - and taught my self. About feelings, control, all sorts of things.
You can even use psychology on yourself through your writing of fiction. Write things how you would like for them to be. And like the old saying goes "anything repeated enough times (and read back) can become believeable" - it's the living truth. You can help yourself out of your low self esteem.
Nobody says you have to post the stuff online, that is all your choice (although it would be nice); but no pressure at all there; just an exercise for your SELF, for your own pleasure and release of emotions. It also helped me become more comfortable in my own company and less dependent on others. I found I truly liked myself. ENJOYED being with my self. Today? "Be true to thine self" is the rule I live by. ^^
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LindArtz In reply to Loffy0 [2015-10-26 21:38:37 +0000 UTC]
Well as I said, you don't have to post none of it, it's all for your own reasons. But I get it if you're more visual, then find realease that way. Also, just socializing online is enough to help make you a better communicator; you will find that those lessons amazingly spilling over into your real life too. It forces you to care enough, for one thing, to make an effort to chat with others, then to carry that conversation; (it's actually harder to do online because we can't enjoy the silence of company, or use body language to get our thoughts across online) ; it helps make you a better writer too in that you really have to think before you hit reply because if it's not said clearly enough it's so easy to be misinterpreted (that goes double for punctuation! LOL
Example: A woman without her man is nothing. 2) A woman. Without her; man is nothing. You see?
Aww !! See now, you giggle, but that is THEE best compliment I've ever gotten! I really mean that. It took quite a bit in my life for me to grow to where I am today; a lot thrown at me putting me completely out of my comfort zone (I used to be a PAINFULLY shy person at one time....and let me tell you, some of the trials and tribulations! LOL I know I'd never have broke that shyness any other way though, it was really very debilitating - I couldn't even ask a stranger what time it was that's how bad. But what was put upon me was completely not within my choice or control...
I'm grateful today. - I'd never want to go through any of it again - but it changed me completely forever. - into just the person I've always wanted to be. And who I always knew was inside me. Now I think when I look back, how silly I was to hold back on my personality or to worry what people thought. There will always be people who don't like us or whom we don't get along with for whatever the reasons. Better to be disliked for who we are than liked for being someone we are not. ^^
But man, am I glad I can barely remember that girl today! LOL )
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LindArtz In reply to Loffy0 [2016-02-11 06:23:05 +0000 UTC]
...Hot coffee, and lots of writing. And soon you will forget about that headache and the urge to vomit. LOL ^^
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shep4life [2015-08-26 17:38:34 +0000 UTC]
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Kay-March [2015-08-22 17:12:30 +0000 UTC]
I have a few words for you - the weeping willow never cries, it sings.
Hehe!! seven words.
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SueJO [2015-08-18 02:15:54 +0000 UTC]
I won't be back for awhile. Take care.
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CarolynYM [2015-08-17 18:02:50 +0000 UTC]
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notmor [2015-08-17 04:54:44 +0000 UTC]
oh yous too modest deary
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Mom-EsPeace [2015-08-16 21:40:50 +0000 UTC]
How is it six words can say so much? Maybe we should all go to six words! Really lovely, LKMH!
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Mom-EsPeace In reply to LindArtz [2015-08-16 22:12:05 +0000 UTC]
Just out of curiousity, how long does it take to come up with one of these? (I'm not a poet, so sometimes the whole concept goes right over my head!)
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Mom-EsPeace In reply to LindArtz [2015-08-16 23:17:33 +0000 UTC]
I used to want to be a nonfiction writer, but my plots were always underdeveloped and, honestly, pretty dull......
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LindArtz In reply to Mom-EsPeace [2015-08-16 23:50:00 +0000 UTC]
By your avatar picture; you're looking very strained!
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