LongSean22 — Thievul and Nickit

#pokemon #shiny #sword #nickit #thievul
Published: 2019-11-29 01:25:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 3117; Favourites: 102; Downloads: 14
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... I just think they're neat.

Also got 99% done with this pic when I realized that momma Theivul here is basically crushing one of her Nickit pups with her elbow.

But whatevs, we'll just say that one's the troublemaker of the group and she's just keeping him in line.

Also a shout out to the one shiny I was able to catch in Sword (so far). I love my little silver fox and he will never get to grow up because my love won't let him.

Healthy attachment!

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Comments: 8

Daredevil-Spiritwolf [2020-01-19 01:47:23 +0000 UTC]

Thievul doesn look to happy that he hasta take care of all those Nickit's without help from a Girl Thievul

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xtomy12 [2019-12-08 22:47:07 +0000 UTC]


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TimTheWarlord [2019-11-29 03:59:16 +0000 UTC]


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SuperKamek64 [2019-11-29 01:47:00 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes, the Purrloin and Liepard of Galar.

Like for real tho, their stats and abilities are nigh identical. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you; Galar is basically a huge love letter to Gen 5 and I can seriously get down with that. Nickit and Thievul are good in my books.

SEAN! I come seeking your sage advice once again! I know I've been kinda harsh on the new Pokémon games, and to an extent rightfully so, but I've kinda been having second thoughts. I mean, why do you watch a movie? To have fun. Why do you play a game? To have fun. I say if you're having fun, that's really all that matters. The only thing I'm still peeved about is the forced EXP Share.

If Astral Chain has taught me anything it's to never judge a game before you play it, but I'm still kinda iffy on getting it, so I ask you: Is Sword and Shield any good, have you been enjoying it and do you think it's worth my time? In Canada, games are like 80 dollars, so I kinda need to be absolutely sure of something before I buy it, y'know?

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LongSean22 In reply to SuperKamek64 [2019-11-29 22:09:32 +0000 UTC]

I don’t know dude. It’s not like with astral chain where you can wait for the price to go down, because I guarantee it’s going to be the same amount for as long as this series is profitable... so forever, I guess.

At the end of the day, it’s more pokemon product for me to consume with my brain, so yeah, I love it. Literally the entire experience for me was just loud excited gasps every time I saw a new Pokémon. And for the first time ever, I’m thinking about actually completing my Pokédex.

The wild area is cool, but I know a lot of people are down on it for graphical reasons. But the way I look at it is it’s a feature that works here and is fun, and has a lot of potential for growth in future installments. Plus it’s fun to get the crap scared out of you when a random over leveled Pokémon sets it’s sights on you and starts sprinting at you.

The EXP share thing... it’s a thing, and i can understand people hesitance because of it. it did lead me to nearly over leveling at one point, but luckily you can access your boxes from (almost) anywhere, so it actually gave me the chance to experiment with other types If never used. Personally, I got used to it pretty quickly. Plus there’s so much I like about it that it’s a nonissue at this point.

So yeah, watch some videos, think it over, but I give it a solid thumbs up.

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SuperKamek64 In reply to LongSean22 [2019-12-05 07:18:05 +0000 UTC]

Alright, after some though and a lot of weighing pros and cons, I've decided to get it. Honestly, when it boils down to it, I'm just too big of a Pokemon fan to not pass this one up. I unfortunately won't be able to experience the same thing you did with all the new Pokemon, but I should still have a decent and fun time with it.

Plus, I... really like some of the new Pokemon. Dracozolt and Snom are just peak character design, really.

Thanks for the talk. Hope we can battle soon, if you're down!

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LongSean22 In reply to SuperKamek64 [2019-12-05 11:31:54 +0000 UTC]

Sure I’ll send you my friend code on Twitter when I get a sec.

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The-Good-Wario [2019-11-29 01:37:48 +0000 UTC]

Aww! they so kewt.

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