LordBlackLotus — Monogamish Stamp

Published: 2020-04-09 17:02:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 138; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Monogamish: when a couple is in a committed partnership that is socially pair-bonded but has an agreement that partners can engage in some level of outside sexual activity.

From a comment Is there a difference between Monogamish relationships and open relationships? é^è
That's actually a really good question. They can overlap, but from what others in the community have told me, monogamish is something like not being completely open or polyam. So you're in a fully committed monogamous relationship, but there is a possibility of other sexual relationships with rules set down. It can really depend on those using the definition, but it's apparently helpful to describe specific relationships that are mostly monogamous but not quite. Open relationships seem to be more, well, open, and have less rules and less commitment. But again, it's very dependent on those using the definition as there is some overlap.

The flag and it's meaning were made by NonMonoPrideFlags  

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