lovalmidas — Cybernetics in the Academy Ch9

Published: 2009-09-18 04:27:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 2004; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 11
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Description Cybernetics in the Academy: Misadventures
Chapter 9

Battle Theme: Command & Conquer – Prepare for Battle (Remix by Xenostating Devicide) [link]
Day Seven, 1914hrs, Hanced’s Lab, Mainland Australia

“Is this true, Effandus? They are attacking today?”

“And pretty soon at that.”

“Are you going to stop them?”

“We will. I have Ben with me and Ydle with you-”

There came a sizzle of static as the lights in the lab died.


There was no response. Hanced hastily turned the knobs on the system.

“ Please transmit… Ydle, can you hear me?”

But there was only silence.

Day Seven, 1917hrs, Stewart Island, New Zealand

“Electric One EMP discharge successful.”

“Status on naval assets.”

“USS Crusader and USS Fervor due west of our position, HMS Prejudice approaching King Island, Australia. Waiting for EMP from Electric Two. USS Helm and USS Spook on standby at Sydney.”

“Iceberg Lab status?”

“Uka-Uka and Tropy will initiate blackout of agreed parameters once attacked. Neo Cortex is unaware.”

“Electric Two status?”

“Blackbird Electric Two ETA 3 minutes to Academy.”

“High Professors status?”

“They have no idea. Electric Three will deal with them.”

“When will Associate Igma arrive?”

“Due to arrive any moment now.”

“I see him. Gentlemen, commence Operation Blackout.”

Day Seven, 1920hrs, Corridor to E Classrooms, Academy of Evil

Nina and Slash were strolling down the corridors of the Academy, towards the rooftop.

“I honestly think Prof. Robotinx isn’t the man you’re looking for.”

“Maybe not the Warden, but I bet he has other agenda here. I just want to unmask him.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“No idea. But no sneaking into his room anymore.” Nina blushed.

Slash blushed as well, “Yep. Never.”

The lights along the corridor flared, flickered and died.

They knew there was a single power source in the Academy – the Boiler Room in the basement. Though Nina had never been there, nothing had ever gone wrong there before.

“What happened?” was all she managed to say.

Day Seven, 1922hrs, South of Iceberg Lab

“General, this is Captain Mandrake of the USS Crusader. We received the EMP signal at Target Unity. We are moving out.”

“Remember, Uka’s blackout spell will render your radar inoperable. Do not change course.”

“Roger that.”

Day Seven, 1925hrs, a corridor, Academy of Evil

Benjamin Thorn walked out of his office, a stun gun ready in hand. He had little idea why this was happening, but he was sure two people knew the answer, one of them being in the Academy with him.

He had to find him soon.

Day Seven, 1929hrs, Iceberg Lab

Dr Cortex was screaming as he ran around in the ground floor of the shaking Iceberg Lab.

“Uka! Uka!” He screamed, “We are under attack!”


“A battleship is firing rounds at us!”

“If they wanted to, we would be finished in seconds. It is part of the plan, Cortex.”


“Look, it won’t be long before the bandicoots and Aku finds out what we are up to. Tropy is going to make the lab appear damaged while I block Aku’s vision from finding out the truth.”

“I see. And this must be the Lord’s idea?”


Day Seven, 1930hrs, Stewart Island, New Zealand

“Uka Uka is generating the blackout,” Orion said, as a black copter prepared for lift-off, “We are clear.” He turned to Igma, “I’ll brief you on your mission in the copter. Now get on.”

“How would we remain invisible in front of Uka?” Igma queried.

“Never underestimate this lovely lady there,” Orion pointed at the copter, “It is our stealth technology at its highest. Ethereal, electromagnetic and sonar invisibility. The only way to know it’s there is to touch it. Now get on board.”

Day Seven, 1945hrs, Motorworld Amusement Park, Tasmania

Milney Ranger could not believe what she was getting. She had been in Motorworld Amusement Park for two days and there was a power outage. To compound the problem, its owner had no idea what was going on.

“I tried every means,” Master Ebenezer von Clutch said, “but the power gems seemed unharmed. The only explanation could be that something else is eating our power source, or the power routers popped.”

“You’d better un-pop them, because I have a sentry job to do.”

“I hope so, but apparently it was an energy surge that blew them. Like an EMP for ethereal power sources. It’s nonsense, of course. No EMP could shutdown a gem-powered park. So all I can do is to replace the valves and the routers.”

To Milney though, that wasn’t nonsense.

Day Seven, 2000hrs, Entrance Arch Ominous, Academy of Evil

The Academy was deathly silent when the Ebony Nightmare Stealth Copter cruised through Port Sinister and landed on the scorched Twilight Gardens. Orion stepped out of the copter, followed by the necromancer by the name of Necros Igma, and six humanoid skeletons equipped with differing weaponry.

“Three, secure the perimeter. Five, take the backdoor. The rest with me.”

He whipped a cobalt blue stick and shouted, “Gustify!”

Pale green light erupted from the tip of the wand and struck the gates, blasting wood and melting iron. When the spell was done, the gate was no longer there. Not even the hinges.

“Igma, lead the way. Soldiers, cover Igma.”

“Orion,” Igma asked, “is this a war?”

Orion hesitated. “In our eyes, this is war. We have thirty minutes. Let’s roll out.”

Day Seven, 2004hrs, N Ydle’s Lab, Australian Mainland

N Ydle didn’t know what caused the blackout, but she knew that if it persisted for more than forty-five minutes, something was going on.

Most probably, Hanced and Milney would be out of communications too. N Tropy would be dealing with Concealment or the like. Everything would be in favor towards the military, especially the general who attempted a strike at Loval.

What confirmed it was the fact that Igma was due to enter the Academy of Evil now, without protection.

Wait, she thought, surely they didn’t plan on interference from N Archy’s inventions?

She had to inform Chainhinge, now. “Shacklefury!” she called.

Day Seven, 2012hrs, Outside Loval Horae Midas’ Office, Academy of Evil

Orion and the four commandos followed Igma as he approached the teachers’ corridor, their weapons pointing in every possible direction and at every remote corner.

“This is it,” Igma announced as he pointed at the door, “the room you wanted.”

“Five is ready,” Orion said, “Acquire target.”

Igma stepped away as one of the commandos directed his weapons – a dual Mk 153 SMAW rocket launcher – towards the door. Igma could barely hear the blast as rocket collided with the door; it was too deafening. One of the commandos barged into the room with a stun gun. Igma looked inside and found a fallen white-haired man on the ground.

“This is the man we want?” Igma asked incredulously as Orion waved his wand. A silver stretcher formed beneath the man. The stretcher hovered to chest level and moved out of the room, apparently unaided.

“He is of extreme importance. Keep him alive at costs! I sense company. One, Four, secure the route.”

He fired a spell at a corner, which was absorbed by another. Effandus Las Robotinx emerged from the corner with Claudia.

“It’s been sometime, Orion,” he said while Claudia gasped in shock at Igma. Igma noticed it and turned away, finding himself facing a solemn Ben. The stretcher was stationary, as though it decided that moving was not a safe option.

Orion let out a metallic cackle, “You have lost, Robotinx.” He raised his wand, and removed the handle from it, so that he held two separate wands, one blue and the other ebony black.

“Claudia, inform Amberly now!” Effandus shouted as shrapnel flew towards them, repelled by the golden wand. Commando Six fired six rockets in quick succession. The duo evaded four, blasted one, and the last sent Effandus flying backwards. Claudia made her hasty retreat as machine gun rounds chased her. Effandus landed on his feet, and pointed his wand towards Ben. A burst of solar and infrared energy emanated from the tip. Orion noticed Commando Two flying from the rear as a green evolved plant-reptile lashed out vine whips towards the stretcher. Orion directed his blue wand at the vines. Ultraviolet laser from the tip severed the vines with little difficulty.

Orion growled as his body turrets fired at Ben, “You won’t have the chance. Igma, cover fire!”

Ben went out of the way as the tank rounds chipped pieces off the wall. The stretcher started moving, passing Ben.

Effandus evaded Commando Five’s machine gun fire and repelled Commando Six as a missile shook the ceiling. Igma took aim at the cybernetic, he didn’t notice the shadows behind him. Chainhinge in his gargoyle form was ready to strike but a little too late. Orion had directed his black wand at him and sent him rolling to the wall.

“Leader of gargoyles,” Orion mocked, “I don’t tolerate back-stabbers.”

Chainhinge growled and pounced on Orion. Machine gun fire seared through his dark flesh with no effect. Effandus fired a electric bolt at the stretcher, only to see Commando Two taking the damage. Igma poured fire on Effandus, who stepped away just in time. Orion fired his turrets, propelling the gargoyle away from his chassis and to the ceiling. Chainhinge faded into the shadows and reappeared beneath him. Orion hopped off and aimed his black wand towards the gray fingers.

Time seemed to stop as Chainhinge yelped and cringed as intense white light melted his fingers, the shadow that belonged there neutralized by ethereal light. Chainhinge grabbed his injured hand, his frown more evident as the fingers failed to grow back.

“What’s the matter now, Chainhinge?” Orion growled with pleasure, “didn’t expect something to damage you?”

Day Seven, 2018hrs, off the coast of the Academy of Evil

“This is Captain Orwell of HMS Prejudice. We are within range. I repeat, we are within range.”

“Captain, fire at will.”

Day Seven, 2019hrs, off the coast of the Academy of Evil

Nina and Slash fell as the ground shook violently below them. Portraits on the walls were coming off their support and were dropping onto the floor.

“What the…” Nina muttered but Slash covered her mouth. He noticed the light shining through the cracks on the floor. He removed his glasses and focused to the image through the cracks. Nina knew what he was attempting, and decided not to interrupt.

He didn’t look for long. A bolt of green light hit him on the stomach and he flew to the ceiling above, rending him unconscious. Nina was too preoccupied screaming from Slash she didn’t notice the floor crumbling beneath her and Commando Six blasting the solid floor.

The floor was too fragile to step on. She hoped Slash would be all right. She decided to look that what hurt him.

As the floors cracked away, she could see the spectacle of battle – gargoyles spawning from the shadowed ground, and flying in from damaged windows, a tank-like robot maiming them with lasers and directing his wand-like sticks towards Effandus and the largest gargoyle. She could see Prof. Thorn unconscious in the rubble and even further on, four robotic skeletons surrounding a silver stretcher, firing rounds towards the gargoyles.

Wait, somebody else was fighting Prof. Robotinx. Nina noticed the white hair, the green goggles, the black coat covering his mouth… it can’t be…

An explosion directly below her sent her flying fifteen meters to the floor, unconscious.

Chainhinge swiped at Igma, throwing him back several meters to a wall. Orion sent a spell to cushion the impact, simultaneously directing another laser beam towards Chainhinge. Effandus, expecting that, bent the beam with his own wand, causing it to cut a piece of the wall.

Commando Six fired leapt to the ceiling lights, launching two missiles. Effandus dodged them with ease, blasting a third missile from Orion who was locked in a tussle with Chainhinge. Lockbolt emerged from Chainhinge’s shadow with two other gargoyles. One of them was immediately blasted by Orion’s laser, leaving a headless gray body melting into shadow.

“Shacklefury,” Orion said as he wrestled with Chainhinge, his weapons preventing any safe approach. Orion released his grip as Effandus fired energy bolts at him. Igma shot blue electric bolts at Effandus, as was tackled by Lockbolt. Commando Two peppers Chainhinge with bullets, but did little to stop him. Igma sends blue ethereal fire to the gargoyle, forcing Chainhinge to change into human form to evade them. Orion wrestles with Effandus. Lockbolt turns his attention to Commando Six who was firing missiles at a now human Chainhinge.

Orion and Effandus locked their cybernetic eyes

“You can’t stop me, Robotinx.”

“You wish.”

Effandus repelled Orion with his wand. Orion lands on his feet, firing two energy bolts from his own wands. Effandus ducked one of them, and the other collided with his metallic face. Effandus turned to face Orion, his cheek scorched but otherwise clean. He sent a beam of light towards Orion, who deflected it. Orion stepped aside as energy tipped bristles erupted from a broom Chainhinge had acquired from a broom store. Taking his chance, Effandus fired green laser from his wand, which missed. The Commandos were already dragging shelves and cabinets from the rooms and the Library to block the projectiles from the stretcher.

Orion’s shell missed Effandus’s head by two inches.

“Try harder, Orion,” Effandus grinned

“Take this, cyborg!” Igma screamed.

Igma grabbed Effandus’ metallic arm, producing intense blue flames and wrapping them around the cybernetic. The robotic arm cracked as splinters and wires burst out of the structure. The gold foil around the wand was peeling but was otherwise unharmed. A pulse from the wand knocked Igma off his feet. Orion fired a white beam towards the preoccupied wand, knocking Effaudus back three feet to the wall.

The stretcher was approaching Entrance Arch Ominous where Commando Three and Commando One reinforced the aggressors. A black copter had just landed on the field beyond the molten gates, and was ready for take off.

Amidst the conflagration, Orion walked towards the injured cybernetic. “No one defeats the Grand Commander of C-Cube,” he growling, “Not even you, Warden.”

Effandus could only growl. Orion sent a minor spell towards the wand, and watch in amusement as the wand dissipated the invading energy. He turned to his soldiers, “To the copter! The EMP’s dissipating in thirty!”

The stretcher was being loaded onto the copter. The Commandos sprinted towards the copter, firing rounds at their pursuers. Orion blasted gargoyle after gargoyle, his wands repelling the remaining gargoyles. Chainhinge, undeterred and back to his gargoyle form, swiped Orion off his feet. Blasts from Orion’s turrets propelled him away from Chainhinge, enabling him to send the leader of gargoyles flying against the ceiling with his wands. Once outside, Orion sent a sonic pulse through the battle-scarred ground, delaying the gargoyles. The copter lifted off, and Orion activated his jet-pack. The assailants soared into the sky, where a large airborne carrier was cruising past, before the defenses around the Academy were reactivated.

Chainhinge let out a deep growl, followed by Shacklefury and Lockbolt. Chainhinge extended his wings, and lifted off.

“I’ll be back, master,” Lockbolt muttered, as he lifted off to join the hundreds of gargoyles in pursuit of the escaping carrier.

Day Seven, 2031hrs, off the coast of the Academy of Evil

“EMP dissipated. Target acquired. Stop bombardment.”

“General Paler, pursuers will pass by Tibetan highlands. What’s your status?”

“The dragons are making their move. The Warden has powerful allies.”

“As I had expected.”

Rawr! I think it is an epic battle, and there is a epic theme to match it (from pre-battle to the heat!). Look at the top.

Nina, Neo Cortex, N Tropy, N Gin, Uka, Aku, Ebenezer von Clutch, Amberly (c) companies making Crash
Slash, Hanced (c) Doomseye
N Ydle (c) Sony-Shock
Igma, Claudia, Chainhinge, Lockbolt (c) JenL
Ben Thorn (c) turquoisephoenix
Milney Ranger, Loval Horae Midas, Effandus Las Robotinx, Grand Commander Orion Omega, Gen. N Paler, First Commandos (One to Six), Capt. Mandrake, Capt. Orwell, Shacklefury (c) me
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Comments: 3

DoomsEye [2009-09-18 05:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Most excellent! *claps* This is very well done! The fights were very detailed, and I was on the edge of my seat reading them. I hope Slash and Nina get involved in the actual fighting soon enough.

I actually expect it, seeing as how her employees were attacked and HER facility was blacked out for quite some time.

Bravo! I look forward to the next chapter!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lovalmidas In reply to DoomsEye [2009-09-19 12:53:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot. I was wondering if my writing has become too technical. Nina and Slash will more action in the next installment!

Oh, when you said 'her', were you meaning Ruby or Amberly (I think it's the former)?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoomsEye In reply to lovalmidas [2009-09-19 13:26:49 +0000 UTC]

Amberly. Ruby doesn't have employees. XP

👍: 0 ⏩: 0