loyal-brego — A nightmare filled with stars

Published: 2010-06-21 20:49:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 1315; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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Description Yup, Sigil again

Well I thought i'd explain why Sigil is on a field of stars looking so terrified.... apart from the fact they're an easy to draw background I doubt anyone would read it but it would be very much appreciated...

Well in Sigil's culture which is a rather superstitious one...

When a unicorn is born in a herd, their healer/shaman of sorts named the 'grèim' proclaim the element of the world the foal has a deep affinity with so that they may charm said element into being kind to the herd in the years to come through ritual and prayer. The grèim or 'holders' claim to grasp a power that no being can truly control -the power, that amongst other things allows them to decide the fate of the newborns. This power should also make them immortal- But the the grèims live no longer than any other Unicorns and so... it is believed that they can never keep this power as it burns their lifeblood with light. And so it must pass to the next Greim who is selected by an elaborate test, a test like most of their rites of passage has claimed the lives of many who have failed. Murmurings amongst the new generation, however have said that the reason Greim are not immortal is because they hold no power whatsoever. That it is all a lie.

The newborn foals' proclaimed element determines their place in society, where they belong in a strict social hierarchy that the grèim say keep the order of their world, but to a vast extent... the elements they proclaim are a matter of seeming coincidence, if the foal is the colour of fire... fire is it's element... if a thunderstorm roars overhead, then the foal's element is water, or perhaps wind. But sigil... on the night that Sigil was born, all was still and the night was so empty the grèim proclaimed they feared a stillborn. But as the a great rock fell from the stars ploughing itself into the lush grazing fields a delicate black and silver form emerged from it's mother.

Sigil's element -the grèim proclaimed- was the unnamed dark void that stole the sky away at night, and its pale shimmering lights they didn't understand, and feared greatly... they were thought to be where the great pale stallion that could traverse the world in a single stride watched the grèim and how they used his power. The greim, at this thought, rolled his eyes in fear and champed at the frigid air.

And so at the Greim's command, Sigil was an outcast, his element was one that belonged outside their world and therefore so did he. But his mother would not leave his side and screamed her challenge at all who would take her on. They ran to the great mound of rock that fell from the sky - they knew the grèim and the unicorns they commanded would fear this strange stone too greatly to pursue them.

Sigil grew strong... as strong as any other despite his average size and ruler of the land surrounded by the rock from the stars. Without the grèim's contant tests of the unicorns' greatness that conveniently left them too weak, or indeed, too dead to challenge their authority, Sigil was free to flourish. The herd's oppressor continued to reassure that the unicorns of fire in the herd were why they didn't burn in grassland fires and the unicorns of water were why the rainy season came when it was most needed. That his powers and his rituals were what kept them all alive.

At this, barely voiced whispers hissed into the darkness from the youngsters at the rear of the herd - 'No.'

These murmurs of dissent began after the attempted murder of Sigil and his mother. Anger grew as fatalities continued to mount under the rule of their current grèim Ember, and whispers that he was a fraud, not a true servant of the great pale stallion. That he was not a holder of His power and neither were they, only pawns in Ember's desire for another kind of power - the power to rule over his fellows. But the dissenters still believed this power existed, not in an earthly element they knew or understood... but in white light and stardust - in Sigil.

And it was said that he was not merely a true holder of this power or grèim but a keeper of this power and thus immortal - a brother in spirit, of the great pale stallion himself.

Whether this is true, or just another conjured superstition of the herd, Sigil despite his supposed affinity with his element resents the night with a white hot rage. He sees the black expanse before him as the reason he is alone, an outcast and the reason his mother is dead. At night he dreams of being trapped in the cold void of the sky, alone with the stars. He approaches them for comfort and friendship but they only burn him. It seems he can trust no-one, but in the nightfalls full of hate and resentment, he wishes he could feel the touch of another once more. He misses his mother so.

But as Sigil rules on his high cold throne of the star-rock, he is not truly alone. His secret followers under the rule of Ember conspire to overthrow the false one and make Sigil their leader...

Sorry that was so long but I just wanted to get a bit of information about Sigil and his world out there, and i still left LOTS out too!... If you read it thankyou so much! Oh and if you're interested this is ember: [link]

Comments are much appreciated!
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Comments: 17

Elflady88 [2010-08-01 10:27:24 +0000 UTC]

Amazing story!! You've really thought this through and it's very well written. This is good and detailed enough to make a book I think, and I really want to know what happens next I hope you'll write more^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wrennars [2010-07-01 01:12:27 +0000 UTC]

Sigil is just such an awesome character, you've put so much thought into him and his story, and that's always a great thing.

That story was totally wicked, I need to know what happens next! Does Sigil attempt to challenge Ember? Does he win the battle? Who are the followers, and when will Sigil know of their allegiance?! GAH! I must know!

Anyway, this piece is so smooth flowing, like Sigil is flying towards his destiny. The shading is wonderful and the detail is lovely, too. Gorgeous work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

loyal-brego In reply to Wrennars [2010-07-02 10:32:17 +0000 UTC]

Awwww, your comments never fail to just make me forget about everything that worrying me and just become smiling pile of warm fuzzy goop You're so nice!

I'm so glad you liked the story! It's such a compliment that you want to know more! I didn't think anyone would read it but it means alot you did I'd love to write some more of it, and illustrate it too, so more to come soon. I'm just drawing the scene when Sigil discovers what has happened to his mother (I was feeling venty last night )

Thanks again!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wrennars In reply to loyal-brego [2010-07-03 02:59:10 +0000 UTC]

Aww, haha, I'm glad!

The story was great, I'm so worked up about the injustice against Sigil and his mother. D: I'm sure he'll be able to get back what's rightfully his.
Heehee, of course I'd read it, I love learning about other people's characters and their stories.

You're very welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

loyal-brego In reply to Wrennars [2010-07-04 17:47:59 +0000 UTC]

Aww, that's great, cos that's kinda what I was going for... as opposed to a 'meh, that's not very polite of Ember' reaction

Well you'll just have to see if there's a happy ending And thanks again for the feedback Wren

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Cloudrunner64 [2010-06-26 02:06:49 +0000 UTC]

Man, I love Sigil so much He's such a great character and I really like how much thought you've put into him and his story. His markings are so neat, too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

loyal-brego In reply to Cloudrunner64 [2010-06-26 12:39:26 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thanks so much, lol you're too kind I'm glad you like the story though ^^ I swear I tried to condense what i wrote into a paragraph or two but it just wouldn't work

Thanks again awesome !

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SDA-MessengersOracle [2010-06-22 01:50:24 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I read what you wrote about Sigil. I try and do that which I'd like to have done to me even if it's not repaid, because in the mean time you get to read great stories like this one. You make me want to draw Sigil myself as his story's so cool.

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loyal-brego In reply to SDA-MessengersOracle [2010-06-22 13:23:33 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much! It really means alot to me I'm so glad you like the story , and aaaaw that would be wonderful, your equines are so gorgeous... but only if you really feel like it

Again, thankyou SO much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SDA-MessengersOracle In reply to loyal-brego [2010-06-22 23:00:34 +0000 UTC]

I'm in a very creative mode right now so I guess if I'm to do anything, I'd better do so now! lol And you're very welcome my dear.

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laumaxa [2010-06-21 20:56:16 +0000 UTC]

I ment "his" markings sorry XD I type so fast haha

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loyal-brego In reply to laumaxa [2010-06-21 21:13:57 +0000 UTC]

haha don't worry!

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laumaxa [2010-06-21 20:55:39 +0000 UTC]

first of all, beautiful drawing!! I LOVE your character!! Sigil is so beautiful and her markings, im in love with them XD and second, that story is great! i liked it a lot and actually red all of it!! ^^ you´re very original!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

loyal-brego In reply to laumaxa [2010-06-21 21:13:38 +0000 UTC]

Aww, Laura, Thankyou so much! Your comment means alot to me, and thanks so much for reading all that I'm so glad you like it I hope it made sense... it can be hard condensing the huge story about Sigil and his land into something small and readable - I could have gone on for hours!

Thanks again m'dear!

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laumaxa In reply to loyal-brego [2010-06-21 21:20:24 +0000 UTC]

It made sense yes!! I love to make up fantastic stories, And read them too!! ^^ I hope you go on as you say there´s much more about Sigil!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

loyal-brego In reply to laumaxa [2010-06-22 13:28:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh, good! I was just going through it there and fixing a few things... it was kinda rushed. (don't know how I managed to get like 900 words down )

And aww, that's such a compliment that you want to read more . I was thinking of writing it as a proper story as all these events happen with more dialogue and emotion and stuff and all the stuff I missed out too rather than just a summing up of the events. It would be fun anyway even if no-one read it

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laumaxa In reply to loyal-brego [2010-06-23 05:34:54 +0000 UTC]

Well, I would read them ^^ so you can bet someone at least will, ME!! XD haha, but really if you like to write its something you should keep doing! After all is a cretative way to express our imagination and well, make a reader have a good time too ^^

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