Loydicus — Celestial Princess VI

Published: 2023-05-28 05:29:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 252; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Cylestia was a celestial princess with an ornate helmet of alien design upon her head. In her hands, she held rings of runes that represented the different celestial bodies in our universe. Adorning her neck was a necklace bearing the Druidic symbol of Earth, as if to remind herself where she belonged.

The helmet gave Cylestia the power to access alternate universes and commune with different versions of herself. By wearing the helmet, she could exist as one, realizing all memories from every universe. As she explored each of the universes, each of its secrets and stories revealed themselves to her. Through this, Cylestiia began to understand both the past and the future, allowing her to craft her own enlightened destiny. #CelestialPrincess #IntergalacticMysteries #Mnemo
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