madlittleme123 — Scorpia: Scorpio's new name

Published: 2021-07-19 06:03:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 1699; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Here she is, my new and improved version of my scorpion pj I made a while ago. From now on, she's called "Scorpia" due to KatiAmel having a villain named Scorpio. Here's some info 

-in daytime, she's called Amber Scorpion and originally lived in Hawaii until moving to tarabiscoville. During this time, she had a dream of some kids in animal forms, one looked like a bat and gave out his hand. Suddenly, she woke up and met the scorpion totem, Hook who granted her the power of sand and scorpion to help the team

-she then notices the kids in her dream outside, trying to stop crazy frog from stealing Pharaoh boy's staff again. She leaps out of her house and covers the area with a sandstorm, the frog gets distracted by the storm and is suddenly grabbed by Scorpia's painful claws and uses her tail to immobilise him. Thanks to that, batwing approached the new pj and said "hey kid, wanna join?" This made her deeply excited and agreed. Now, she is a new member of batwing's team 
-her favourite thing to do is make sandcastles. In fact, in Hawaii, she won five sandcastle building competitions. Others also give her the nickname "sandstorm artist" which she really likes 
-her suit's claws do not harm any hero, only villains can feel the pain. 
-she also is an expert at playing a ukulele and has made a custom one in the design of a scorpion 
-the only villain she likes is Scorpio, since their both scorpions and luckily, she's not effected by his magic 

Super scorpion sand Tornado: can create a Tornado out of sand and use to either distract or blow away villains 
Super scorpion poison: can use her tail to sting a villain and immobilise them for a few seconds (depends if how long they can snap out of it) 

"How about some poison?!" 
"Shifting sands!"
"Aloha, my friends!" 

Credit to DiNOkid19 for bringing her back and giving me the idea of her in Batwing's team and scorpio is owned by KatiAmel  
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Comments: 2

KatiAmel [2021-07-19 07:32:17 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

DinoNovaMay253 [2021-07-19 06:07:13 +0000 UTC]

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