manabuns — [SA] December Prompt

Published: 2018-12-08 23:28:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 370; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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Draw or write your character experiencing a classically wintry holiday!

Kaisar: The usually stone-faced stallion seems to become more at ease around the wintry holidays, when he was younger man and his son was still scraped knees and gangly legs, he used to dress up for the occasion. He still sticks to it somewhat, dressing both houses to the nines. He keeps up the tradition of growing out a beard (it's become something of a competition between him and his son to see who can grow the longest) and semi-festifying his attire.

Iskalder: doesn't have the luxury or want to particularly celebrate the holiday. Ghost Hold didn't really allow for the sort of festive cheer and excess the wintry holidays typically call for. Now more than ever, he spends the holiday with his partner, daughter and the remnants of his family. Heart a little more hollow than usual in quiet mourning.

Lucerys: deck the halls and everyone gets a wreath. Lucerys loves winter, it's perhaps one of his favorite holidays. The Flamen wastes no time in bringing festive cheer to everyone that visits his Sanctum, he lavishes his attendants with gifts and takes extra time to spend with his family and his partners. Tytus, his pygmy dragon, is experiencing some karma for his reign of terror on the sanctum. Dressed up as a glorified christmas ornament the dragon sulks.

Thorvald: He doesn't celebrate in a traditional way. There's no halls to deck and there's certainly no christmas tree, but there is certainly celebrating to be had night after night. The Cultist lets the Bard decorate his horns, and he in turn spins wintry ghost tales. He spends his winter with his boyfriend, and the two manage to find a weird, eclectic mix between old traditions and new.

17AP ( 2 for shaded headshots x 4, 2 for december prompt x 4 & 1 same character bonus) to KAISAR.

1FVR earned for prompt completion.

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