maplejellie — [ng] lovebug

#mlp #mlpnextgen
Published: 2024-05-03 10:10:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 1255; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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new account new nextgen! woo!

this girl is a part of the nextgen i just started on my old account and im planning on making profiles for all the canon characters as well eventually!

name; lovebug
kind; pegasus
talent; nursing and caring for others
pronouns; she/her
residence; ponyville
occupation; elementary school student
parents; sweetie belle, cozy glow

lovebug is a sweet little filly with a passion for nurturing other ponies and animals around her! despite her occasional ditzy and awkward tendencies, lovebug genuinely tries her best to be there for everypony and dreams of becoming a renowed nurse when she's older. although cozy glow was sceptical at raising any kids at first, worried about projecting her old habits onto her potential offspring, she finds great comfort in knowing that she raised such a cute little bugger.

base by selenaede!

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