MaxVandercat — Chroma Corps (sinix) Set

#acolyte #barbie #blue #box #car #character #guitar #hair #house #mountain #parlante #photo #plant #river #sense #computer
Published: 2020-08-18 00:02:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 666; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 0
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Description So! These are the characters i created for the Chroma Corps. battleroyale from sinix

I passed for some iterations with mainly one thing in mind (which was my main concept idea), the use of some peruvian traditional pattern in the uniforms (a simplification).

Also, at the end, i went for a more cartonish style.

Decided to put 3 different suits:

1. Gala suit (for special occasions)

2. Academy Uniform (the everyday one)

3. Tactic Uniform (not completely equiped for direct combat, but for field training)

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Comments: 3

UnknownLand [2020-08-18 01:48:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MaxVandercat In reply to UnknownLand [2020-08-18 02:35:25 +0000 UTC]

thanks!!! i often struggle with clothing design, is not one of my strenghts. I use pinterest for saving photos of clothes that i find interesting. In this case i also did some sketches that were reallh crapy but from them i took some ideas xd it was like in the 4th round of sketches that i start seeing something that i liked

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

UnknownLand In reply to MaxVandercat [2020-08-18 16:41:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0