— Ace Double Set A Side B
2020-01-20 07:31:58 +0000 UTC
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---Front text will be copied four times - back text will match images to list of titles
One of my favorite books is a concept of the past - "Ace Doubles" - long running pulp science fiction where they crammed two Novellas/Small Novel size books and let them each have a front cover by flipping them over so you could read from one story or the other normally and no need for hype on the 'back' cover because there was none.
Most were before my time of course, but I went to the library and used bookstore as a kid - hey "new to me" and I cared about the stories not the 'merits' of this or that writer. Matter of fact it's pretty funny to see earlier stuff by now very famous writers - not in my collection but Koontz seemed embarrassed "Warning! Warning! Early Koontz! Alarm siren" etc.
Most of my originals got destroyed, stolen or sold off during a move. I've recently been re-buying and getting new ones via careful watch for ebay sales.
Hmm... Fear this list might get others buying and increase the price/competition… BUT well this genre deserves appreciation rather than the contempt it was given then forgotten. Science fiction and Fantasy should be first entertaining and fun to read as the norm - wild adventures in other worlds and realms - the weird, hard, experimental and nihilist stuff needs to go back to the fringes.
What killed it?
I place the blame quite squarely on the late new wave... When Science Fiction shot itself in the foot - rather the few and growing huge publishing houses began what we'd call a "Woke" agenda ramming what was then called "Political Correctness". Oh, Scifi/fantasy has always been overall progressive and left wing, but there's a difference between a Ray Bradburry story in the Martian Chronicles and something cruddy and plagiarist at best by some 'token' writer when there were plenty of others applying. Also science fiction turned nihilist and weird (think Alien) just when Star Wars and Star Trek sent a legion of people to the bookstores to buy space adventure - but editors had embraced the "new wave" half out of fear of losing the audience like the "Men's Adventure" genre and half out of pure insanity causing boredom of having spent their first 20 years reading "I wanna be the next Phillp Francis Knowlan" crude stories (adventure science fiction) so were allergic to space operas and heroic fantasy overall.
Now, no none of these are for sale, or I'd charge a lot - Inshallah I won't have to sell any but nothing is certain in life. Only collection I like more is my near complete of "Heavy Metal" magazine which I won't photo since plenty of cover collections already.
I've not read all - many I never had earlier - but overall I like John Brunner as my favorite writer - the Time Mercenaries/Antrhopol is my favorite double book and I'm now reading "Empire Star"/"Ballad of Beta-2" by Samuel R. Delany - kind of like the anime "Outlaw Star" but long before...
Set A
“The Last Castle” - Jack Vance / “World of the Sleeper” - Tony Russell Wayman
“The Green Millenium” - Fritz Leiber / “Night Monsters” - Fritz Leiber
“The Wandering Tellurian” - Alan Schwartz / “The Key to Irunium” - Kenneth Bulmer
“Space Captain” - Murray Leinster / “The Mad Metropolis” - Phillip E. High
“We, the Venusians” - John Rackham / “The Water of Thought” - Fred Saberhagen
“Behold the Stars” - Kenneth Bulmer / “Planetary Agent X” - Mack Reynolds
“Earthstrings” - John Rackham / “The Chariots of Ra” - Kenneth Bulmer
“Clash of the Star-Kings” - Avram Davidson / “Danger from Vega” - John Rackham
“The Star Magicians” - Lin Carter / “The Off-Worlders” - John Baxter
“A Planet of Your Own” - John Brunner / “The Beasts of Kohl” - John Rackham
“The Time Mercenaries” - Phillip E. High / “Anthropol” - Louis Trimble
“The Altar on Asconel” - John Brunner / “Android Avenger” - Ted White
“A Promising Planet” - Jeremy Strike / “Flower of Doradil” - John Rackham
“Enigma From Tantalus” - John Brunner / “The Repairmen of Cyclops” - John Brunner
“Dark of the Woods” - Dean R. Koontz / “Soft Come the Dragons” - Dean R. Koontz
“The Astronauts must not land” - John Brunner / “The Space-Time Juggler” - John Brunner
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